Its an interesting consideration.
If we forget about FIAT would we be happy to accept a Bitcoin amount for
goods and services like 1kg of Apples = 0.00005BTC, regardless of the FIAT
value of Bitcoin we just think in Bitcoin.
But there are too many factors which work against this
we COULD actually create our own 'measuring stick' instead of measuring to dollar and then from dollar to other forex fiats
like you say we could measure it to apples or say minimum wage hours.
however an apple is not then pegged to other goods/services.. so complicated to use apples as the measure of value
yet take minimum wage law as a more defined value measure. but i dont mean the $ value. i mean the HOURS
where by this would benefit by equalling out the poverty inbalance of the world if a good peg was used where value can be recognised from it.
right now someone in california where min wage is $15 an hour only needs to work 2800 hours to get 1btc ($42k)
where as someone in asia only getting $2 an hour has to work 21,000 hours ($42k) to get 1btc
seems extremely unfair right now for the asian population, right?
but by bitcoin creating its own poverty neutralising 'measuring stick' value as X minwage hours. then this can level everyone.
so lets say that right now btc was 4200 min wage hours. people in california will at first complain that they have to work more. but then in more impoverished countries will work less, a heck lot less, where they both end up working the same number of physical hours to afford to both buy 1btc each.
thus levelling out the geographic wealth gap
where by then people trade in 'minutes' and 'hours' instead of $
EG market exchange rate is 4200h32m12s
where each exchange knows the national amounts and when people deposit their national currency it converts that currency into hours minutes and seconds. and the 'price of bitcoin' fluctuates in minutes and seconds rather then dollars and cents