Just because an alt coin exists and forked from bitcoin does not automatically discredit it as junk.
If there was ONLY bitcoin I would never have even joined the forum.
I certainly admire the work of the bitcoin team.
I read their updates and comments on github almost every day and have for some time.
Even reading commits from a few years ago I have learned many things.
Anyone who feels
all alt coins are scams or shit coins (Which is certainly the opinion held by many)
is entitled to their beliefs but I wonder why they would even bother visiting the alt coin section of this forum. (which ironic as it may sound I was told generates the most traffic and revenue for this forum)
If for you btc is all there is then you may be most happy among those who want to develop and work on bitcoin. I thought about submitting pulls for btc myself a while ago however I think the core team generally handles things on their own and I see little opportunity or incentive for myself doing that. It appears from me watching them at work for a while if you are not all ready a regular you won't be accepted. (To me peer recognition of ones skills or contributions are more important than monetary compensation..... )
I could be wrong. Maybe someday if I see something I could contribute that would be of value I will submit it and see what happens.
One thing over time I have started to wish was different about bitcoin is how the reward structure was set up. Long gone are the glory days of 50 btc a block. In about a year the days of 25 wlll be gone. And you all probably know the rest.... With such a large amount of coins done early the advantage to those who got in early is much greater that the potential opportunity to someone who wants to get in now. Yes I have read the original white paper and probably every post by 'satoshi' in the forum here and many many other things......
I wonder if history were replayed where the block reward stayed steady or had a more gradual gentle decline what would have happened ?? Maybe bitcoin is successful in part because of this aspect.
Still coins that offer a fixed or more gradual reduction are personally more to my liking.
I add these personal preferences of mine as afterthoughts only.
Thanks to those who have suggested the admins of the forum pin this thread. I don't think that would eve happen like bitcoin itself the forum is carefully operated by a tight group. I am certainly not among that clique nor do I seek it. I would not object if they removed my name /personal opinions and just posted the facts or added them to one of the existing pinned threads. Even if they only posted 'some' of the facts it would be ok with me. I am not seeking any personal credit or recognition.
To answer those on nxt and the proof of stake questions, I have looked it over but not real close. I do not own any and never experimented or tested it.. I have read the work and research of others however and (at least to me) I think the papers I posted earlier from the Ethereum developer are very well written and his logic applies not only to any coin based on older (or newer) ppc code bases but also to nxt. I am not knocking nxt on 'tech' specs although I think any ipo where initial coins are created out of nothing but code and sold to others and build a system that just generates more coins is something that has a reward structure contrary to what I feel is fair. You can disagree if you like. I am not saying it is a scam only that some things surrounding nxt I heard about (mostly in this forum and on twitter) like coins vanishing for example have been brought up often enough that I believe it has happened. It is more likely a glitch if it actually happened not something done intentional.
I can imagine a future where releasing an alt coin would be treated by figures of authority like trying to issue your own paper money and have it used for the exchange of goods/services where you live.
I bet eventually people who like to stay in the shadows won't be able to run coins at all.
Eventually like other industries regulation will creep in.
Everyone who sells insurance, traditional financial products ect.. in the United States has to have a license (or several licenses) to do so. The people who get licensed for all these things have to get background checks, probably give fingerprints and other things too and pass examinations and pay money to 'maintain their licenses' so they can 'stay in business'......
The second funniest thing of all is regulation of this nature gives birth to an entire layer of a secondary industry that makes a living charging those who need the licenses fees to conduct these examinations and other things (a lot of time this is the government itself who is in control by charging people to be 'licensed'.
The funniest thing of all is the government and some people will have everyone believe this is all done to protect us......... after all no licensed insurance person, licensed banker, licensed stockbroker, licensed bank, licensed mortgage officer ect has ever ripped anyone off. Only those working without a license rip people off ... right....
If anything I think it is actually more accurate to say --- if you want to work in certain industries you pay the organized crime bosses (in this case that is usually the government) a little tribute for the benefit of being allowed to bilk the public. And everyone just goes along.... And you actually get a piece of paper that says you are legally entitled to do this. I am sure there are honest people in all these businesses also but all the licensing does is add a layer of cost and for these types of business to operate which is of course passed on to all their customers.
I sure hope I am wrong and no law is ever passed that limits the running of an open source project.