Some individuals merely come here to make money, but what some of them learn here is worth more than the money they make each week in this forum. It is nice that not all the boards new users can just visit without knowing the concept of the board, but the boards you mentioned earlier are the greatest boards where new users can visit to learn how the others are running, and you can see that from there they can also engaged in every board's.
And one thing about this forum is that whatever you come to do, you must learn before you can do what brought you to the forum, and that's why even people participating in the signature campaign must reach some certain stage in the forum before they can start. Once you are in this forum, you just have to learn everything possible. However, any board can be visited by users, and the only challenges they have are how to communicate effectively on those boards and write exactly what will suit that board.
while somes do not wait to get technical understanding first. When they first introduce some new users to this site, they will just begin visit boards that are not supported, which is why they frequently get lost here.
The forum has many aspects to learn, not only the technical aspects, and we still have many individuals in this forum who have already reached certain ranks, including the highest rank in the forum, and did not know anything about the technical aspect of bitcoin, so for beginners, the main thing is their background knowledge of bitcoin and some other things they have to know before joining any conversation in the forum.
Although some users get confused because they don't really wait and learn the appropriate things before beginning to do things, beginners continue to get lost because they did not learn at first.