How to claim my BCC in Electrum cash without giving my seed to electrum cash's owners?
No different between private keys and seeds. after importing, they have control of your coins.
Why exactly do you guys think that "they" (I assume you mean the ElectronCash developers) have control of your coins? There is quite a bit of FUD being spread around with regards to ElectronCash... so to clarify:
- Is it safe?No one really knows for sure if it is Safe or Not... the code is open source which is a good start, as it is easy to see the changes that have been made since it was forked from Electrum codebase... so running from source or compiling yourself will let you run on code which is "known". The binaries are a slightly different story.
- But what about the binaries?There is no proof that the binaries are "Bad"™... Granted, they are signed using basically an "anonymous" PGP signature, which doesn't really offer much in the way of "security" as the developer isn't putting their good name and reputation on the line but stating that the binaries are "safe"... If they turn out to be bad, the dev is free to just walk away and create another username/profile. However, this doesn't mean that they are malware or going to steal your stuff... To put this into perspective, the Electrum binaries being signed with ThomasV's PGP signature, basically only prove that it was ThomasV who signed the files... and they haven't been tampered with since he signed them. It doesn't prove that the files are good. It just means that ThomasV is saying "I vouch for these files" and you can prove they haven't been tampered with. So the only guarantee you have is ThomasV's word that they're OK.
- But I heard that it copies your Electrum Wallet??!? ZOMG HAX!!!!The Electron Cash devs made, in my opinion, a fairly silly decision to copy the contents of the Electrum data directory (should it exist) over to the Electron Cash directory in an attempt to make using Electron Cash "easy" for people... you install Electron Cash, open it up and your wallets are already there to be used. I understand why they did this, I just don't think it was a good idea as it makes people paranoid and thanks to the internet gets blown up into "ZOMG eLecTrumCash is steeeeling my BitCoInZ!!!?1!!?!!!1?!?!"
- Yeah, but that one guy had his coins stolen after using ElectronCash!!!!!!!!1!!!11?!!1!One!!!!Eleven!!!!!Yeah, because he was an idiot and downloaded some dodgy hacked version from a scam clone site version of the ElectronCash website... just like a LOT of people have done previously with
scam clone versions of Electrum... and scam clone versions of
- So, what do I do??? I'm so confused!!
Take the proper precautions. Make sure you only download from the official ElectronCash website. Run from source or compile your own copy.
Then, move your BTC to a completely new wallet with new seeds/addresses/keys... do this on a separate computer so you're completely separated from ElectronCash if you are super paranoid want an extra layer of security. Once all your BTC are in the new wallet... you can safely use your "OldSeed" with ElectronCash without fear of losing BTC... only your BCC is at risk... and given what has happened with the price since it started openly trading on Bittrex/ViaBTC... it's not really worth much anyway