Buy a old second hand computer < One that would never see the internet again > Then go to and save the whole site as a html file on a memory stick. Take that memory stick and copy that file onto the second hand computer. Run the script and generate as much paper wallets as your heart desires.
Do not connect that old second hand computer to the internet. Do not use memory sticks to copy information back and forth between that computer and computers connected to the internet.
Do not move printers, used to print the paper wallets between these two computers. < The information might still be saved on the printer's buffer or even internal harddrive >
This is a good Idea. But I have doubt, Can we create papper wallet with that raw HTML files ? There is not using any Server side scripting like PHP and ASP? If no, no need to connect with Internet. If need to load PHP or ASP scripts, Not possible to create papper wallet without connecting with Internet.