That is not how a cryptocurrency works
The block chain is the decentralized ledger where all records of transactions ever made from the beginning of genesis block are recorded in a string like fashion.
Nobody can destroy the older chains just like that! Impossible fact.
It already does, the old data is not really verified, there are hardcoded checkpoints in place, but the actual blocks are not verified. The data is not deleted true, but its as close it deletion as it gets.
So far I only am backing up my wallet.dat. What do mean by the entire folder? That folder in the roaming section?
But I am talking about a single bootstrap file in general which can be created and can be used by anyone (does not need any verification as such).
The entire ~/.bitcoin or %APPDATA/Bitcoin folder, yes. This would not be suitable for others unless they can trust you, but I would think you can trust yourself.
If you prefer a bootstrap.dat you can create one yourself[1] as well, but you must verify the data when you resync from scratch for some reason.
[1] Note 2nd post, not 1st (!)