You cannot debunk it that is the big issue that we have here the only way that you could debunk it is by collecting the usage of each miner and they are not going to give up information up easily. Instead the demographics which are being cited are estimations and estimations only. I am also sure that I have read that its estimated that the electrical car companies are using just as much as those that are using gas because to generate electricity we are still relying on fossil fuels to generate it.
I do not think we can debunk it and I do not think its even worth wasting our time with. Elon and Tesla have made the decision to allow Bitcoin payments and then remove it all in the space of a couple of months without any new information being brought to light. I am not sure what to think of it as it just sounds like they planned for this and maybe Elon was looking to profit off of the swing that it has caused.
Bitcoin miners aren't guilty for the environmental pollution,the coal burning power plants are guilty.
What if the Bitcoin miners are buying electricity from nuclear power plants or hydroelectric power plants?Those power plants aren't polluting the environment.
Energy consumption does in turn equal pollution but I do like the overall narrative you are trying to push. Bitcoin miners are using the grid to power their mining rigs and therefore the power plants have the power to limit the amount of consumption the world uses but they do not. However Tesla and many other green agenda pushing companies still use fossil fuels in order to get by in life. I do not see Tesla banning fiat currencies which rely on cutting down trees and printing ink on them as a way of standing up for the environment.
Bitcoin mining has always been accused of energy, high energy consumption and environmental pollutions this accusation lacks merits to stand as a fact. So to me, the way to go about this is for a debate to be held and analysis/investigation to be carried out to determine the actual level of Bitcoin energy consumptions.
But the data is not there to analyze in the first place. Think of it the fossil fuel plants that are generating the power for these miners cannot in any way determine what their product is being used for. They can probably determine the location and where their product is being used the most but they cannot say a Bitcoin miner is using our product here and there. That is impossible. The only indicating factor would be if a household is using more than average 24/7 (since most miners are running 24/7) but then that is not a problem since that would only be slightly above the average its the mass operation facilities which would be the most detrimental to the environment but when you compare it to Tesla's own facility which has a number of different tools they rely on which would be detrimental to the environment then I do not see the reason they have pin pointed Bitcoin miners.
Tesla is not a green company they only give the impression they are. The tools they use were mined from the ground and those mining facilities use fossil fuels to mine. There are no electric mining facilities. The tools they used were welded and their very own charging facilities rely on burning fossil fuels.