People keep getting seduced by all the goodies being offered for fiat, and throwing away their bitcoins for a pittance.
There are lots of people who do think bitcoin is valuable and thus are not willing to spend it until some day when they will be able to get their bitcoin's worth for it instead of being offered insultingly low prices for it.
Its as if the fiat folk think we bitcoiners are a bunch of idiots who have no idea how much a twentyone-millionth of a reasonably sized market actually adds up to; they are trying to get them off of us dirt cheap on the excuse that they don't cost much to create. So basically they are trying to keep our attention on the supply side, oh look, it costs less than three digits in dollars to make a bitcoin. But that is only because supply is right now, the boom years when bitcoins virtually fall off of trees, it is raining bitcoins right now. Demand, on the other hand, is in a few decades when these windfalls people are virtually giving away now will be our inheritances passed on to our posterity.
If only twentyone million people used bitcoin and only to buy a morning coffee on their way to work each day how likely is it the coffee grower will sell the bitcoins back to them instead of sending it off to a coffee grower to order up more varieties of beans, and to the landlord they rent their retail space from and such?
What happens when fortytwo million people choose to buy their morning coffee with bitcoin?
Just make up your own mind what your bitcoins are going to have to be buying you in the way of a retirement lifestlye and don't part with them for less than that!
(Only got one bitcoin right now? DIvide that by the number of retirement years you want to live, presto, that is how much one bitcoin is worth. Got two? Lucky you, bitcoins are worth half as much to you, you can afford to blow one on a trip round the world before you retire... Got three? You are rich! You can send your kids through college and still get that trip round the world before you retire. Got four? Wow, an education fund for the grandkids on top of all that! Etc...