please do not do something regretful ,life is giving nice surprises sometimes to every life form . Especially if the life form is evolved one as humans , for that those surprises are provided from karma. As long as you re honest and explain what is happening to you about your latest bad luck experiences i'm sure you will find nice people ready to understand or even to help you . If you need a confident or a good advice you can try to find a priest and talk to him i think he knows many people who can help you . Just don't be prideful.
I've heard that in Ireland gardeners are wanted on small towns or country side and i'm pretty sure they'll give a place to sleep and food but i think in UK gardeners are wanted too or least to work in a greenhouse . Once you learn many things and find a house you can grow herbs/flowers on pots to sell and earn money on your own.
I'm not from UK but i think the jobs availability are according also to the type or the size of the city you are in ,but i suggest to ask at the unemployment office for support in the meantime if you find interesting my suggestion to try to find something to work as gardener or in a greenhouse even if the payment is not so good as from hostel and if the hostel does not want to help you anymore with a job but at least you ll have something to hang with. Always be open to new legal possibilities to earn money such as different jobs even as a chef helper in a restaurant or even as a landscaping helper in a small company or even to deliver advertising flyers on street, etc. Find Jamie Oliver Foundation (in Essex i think) to contact him because he has gardens with vegetables and i bet he need gardeners .
Important is to believe in yourself and don't get bad habits such as smoking or alcohol.
I did worked in landscaping in a small company and now i'm on my own growing and selling some flowers in pots and making some landscaping as amateur
and in the winter i do more faucets claims
And change your title to something else such as : Need advice.
Edit: fando01 is right, you can earn bitcoin if you post an advertising link on your signature. The only catch i think is you'll need to make at least 6 posts daily or weekly or so, depends on the advertising campaign requirements.
See requirements here to find your bitcointalk profile UID for signature campaign