I would say its a sidekick of existing monetary system, you have an centralized government that prints money, circulate for economy and welfare of humanity. Comprehensive yet flawed in some context, privacy is not great, yet accustomed to PEOPLE. Blockchain and bitcoin is the other hand does the opposite, not necessarily better but its a inevitable invention.Both are equally important and while most of the youngster did know about internet, its easy to explain the same distributed way of verifying transactions
The existing system doesn't need a sidekick to press the people down, not when it's got basically the entire world's recognised economies behind it and a horde of bankers and capitalists who need the status quo to continue enjoying their strangeholds, and to ensure their children after them have the same.
Definitely agree bitcoin may not do all things better - centralised works for some things - but it's not difficult to be better than the current system really.
Get millennials to understand first the flaws of the system. And then if they care, show them the Bitcoin alternative.