Пoмoгитe ПOЖAЛУЙCTA,тoлькo чтo cдeлaл oтпpaвкy биткoйнoв чepeз микcep,нaжaл oтпpaвить выcвeтилocь oкнo гдe былo нaпиcaнo oбнoвитe вepcию и пoдoбнoe,ccылoк нa cкaчивaния вepcий нe былo,я нaжaл oк .Я нaжимaл oтпpaвить биткoйн нa aдpec,пocлe чeгo oкнo нaжaл oк,нaчaл oбнoвлять вepcию,cмoтpю a пepeвoд yжe пoшёл,пocлe чeгo нaчaл cмoтpeть тpaнзaкцию пepeвoдa,oтпpaвкa yжe пpoизoшлa a вoт нa aдpec yкaзaнный мнoю дo cиx пop нe пpишли биткoйны пpoшлo yжe 3 чaca и нe oднoй пoдтвepждeннoй тpaнзaкции пoмoгитe пoжaлyйcтa мyжики,я нe пoймy мeня oбoкpaли или кaк?Я пo ccылкaм нe кaким нe пepexoдил,пpocтo вcплылo oкнo мaлeнькoe и я нaжaл oк и вcё!
Help PLEASE, just made sending bitcoins through a mixer, clicked send a window appeared where update was written and so on, there were no versions download links, I clicked ok. I clicked send bitcoin to the address, after which the window clicked ok, I started updating version , I look and the translation has already gone, after which I started watching the transfer transaction, sending has already taken place, but bitcoins have not yet arrived at the address I have already received 3 hours and not one confirmed transaction please help the guys, I don’t understand me or what? I didn’t follow the links by any means, a small window popped up and I clicked ok and that's it!
If you send it as a RBF enabled transaction, you can try to send it again by paying a higher fee with different outputs but if you haven't done it before you'll probably fail to do it before your first transaction gets a confirmation. (I did it before long time ago but if I had to do it again, I wouldn't make it in time probably) You are racing with seconds right now.
You better google "child pays for the parent" and "replace by fee" right away.
This post here explains it quite well:
https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/49723/replace-by-fee-vs-child-pays-for-parentelectrum.org file is not safe! it contains a trojan!
I received the same error on my electrum wallet 3.3.2, but instead of downloading from the link, I went to download the new .exe installer for windows on electrum.org website.
As soon as I downloaded it, windows defender showed me an error of a trojan on the file.
Not sure what to do, if I leave the previous version Im exposed to phishing, but if I download the new version from the electrum.org website I get a trojan warning message from windows defender.
Any updates on this?
Do not click anything. Delete that shit and never download it again. (don't delete your wallet files) Use only the core wallet.
Also fuck electrum. Just stop using that malware.
I am (was) also an electrum user but seeing these people getting scammed like this finished it for me.