I don't think there is a formula to get lucy, but if we push our luck some day we will get a jackpot.
It is hard to chase the luck because we never know when the luck will come to us. We can only try to play and hope that in some rounds, the luck will come and help us to win. But there is a risk to us if we still playing because we can get lost without knowing if the luck will come or not. If we know about the risk and we can accept the loss that might come, then we can keep playing while we still hoping to get that luck.
there are tools to know the risk of the game you play . you calculate that with your amount of bets and your bankroll , if you see that your bankroll is sufficient enough to hit your target then go on and proceed but if you saw that your bankroll is short then refrain from doing it .
its iether you wait and fill your balance more or you can play a game with slightly low risk than compare to your previous game. the above shows that there is some skill involved more than luck to win on gambling .
Although you can use those tools, you still don't know how big your possibility to win the games because you know that in gambling games will need to be lucky. We can feel that we can win the games by calculating every possibility that we can get from those tools, but how big the chance we can know about the luck will come to us. I don't want to risk more money for playing gambling games because that can cause me to get another loss which sometimes can be bigger than I can expect.