Yeah, the point wasn't to brag. It was to state that I had experience and a "resume" to back it up. All I did was try to educate how to *actually* change the I2C values for the voltage.
Also, it was world news. Ask nVidia's PR department.
National vs world news doesn't change anything though. The code still works the same way.
If you can't swallow your pride and admit ignorance, you're going to have a tough time learning.
I am writing here in case anyone can help me with my W8000 bios : http://www.easybytez.com/jv304lwh5xt4
It is voltage locked, so i cannot do any mods. I would like to overclock/overvolt it.
If in any case "sveetsnelda" is around and can read this, please unlock pm's for new users so i can send you a pm.
Thank you in advance