I have a magical plan to expand the Bitcoin market with price stability and scaling Bitcoin transaction without breaking the rules. I need some assistance from Bitcoin community. This is the forecast: if you own 10,000 BTC it has m.arket value xyz. If people stop buying Bitcoin means your Bitcoin holding value will be xyz - can, you will loose money. So let us work shoulders to shoulders to implement Bitcoin market development strategy. It will definitely increase the value of Bitcoin up to 150% to 200% percentage. This will increase the value of your Bitcoin holding. You will gain a lot. Contact me.
I-Am-Not-Anonymous; Am I ?
care to explain your thoughts a little bit here? most of your sentenses doesn't make any sense! i don't know if your English is bad or mine or if you are rushing to post something, forgetting you have lots of comas, dashes, dots,... in wrong places!
how can you own 10,000
BTC it is worth 9.8 million dollars if you start today and you are saying nothing more about what you plan to do with this amount! how can having this much bitcoin make price of bitcoin stable!
and as it was pointed out how can it be stable and still rise 200%!
owning 10k bitcoin is not that hard if you were an early adopters, i bet there are many users with 10k, OP is basically talking about manipulation to me, there is no other way to contorl the market at the moment
and the fact that he talk abotu a great amount of coin to do it prove the point, and for stable i think he mean not dumped instead of fixed price, which is impossible