The main thing is accepting and believing. I realize numerous elderly individuals will have a hard time believing us since the government deceived them.
They watch the news and read newspapers where government generally talks negatively against bitcoins.
I figure we should give them what we win from bitcoin, indicating them a wallet would be sufficient; likewise, it's not difficult to comprehend bitcoin and digital currencies.
There are numerous recordings accessible on YouTube; however, the initial step demonstrates them the proof and constructs the trust.
With all of the misinformation about Bitcoin provided by mainstream governments, elder people will think twice before using it seriously as a currency for day-to-day payments or simply as a store of value. Whereas Bitcoin is fairly new to the world, Gold and Fiat are not. These asset types have been trusted by many people for a long time. It's no wonder why old people still rely on physical cash and even Gold on top of Bitcoin. Despite all of the success Bitcoin has obtained over the years, it's still far from becoming widely adopted in the mainstream world. Given that most elder people have a negative perception about Bitcoin, they'll most likely stick with Fiat for their day-to-day payments. Rest assured that there will always be people who'll use Bitcoin for their own benefit. It's just that the old people adopting Bitcoin will be the minority compared to younger ones.
Nonetheless, it's not that hard to make old people understand how Bitcoin works and how to use it for his/her own benefit. With many YouTube videos available on the web, as well as, articles and useful resources from this very forum, an elder person can learn all about Bitcoin if he/she is interested in it. Ultimately, old generations will pass by paving the way for newer generations to take over the world. Young people are already quite fond with the latest technologies, which means that if they get old, they might still use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for day-to-day payments. Slowly but surely, the time will come where everyone will use digital currencies (either crypto or a CBDC) to participate in the mainstream economy. Just my thoughts