I have a lot of questions, mainly because I won't be the Cashier handling the transaction each time. (we're open 24 hours).
www.GilliesConeyisland.com but to handle them one at a time:
1. I keep hearing that you should change your receiving address but don't have to if anonymity is not a concern, and considering I'm pretty well known business -report things properly and pay taxes etc, being anonymous doesn't serve me much advantage I don't figure.
SO I figure I can just have a printed address and/or QRcode by the cash register for customers to pay to BUT half the time I hear you just need let customer have your address so they can send BTC to you YET the other half of the time I hear the receiving address has to be made up to be for a SPECIFIC Dollar/btc AMOUNT.
So I'm confused, does this mean my receiving address
may or may not? have a dollar amount requested OR demanded? as part of it??
CAN the customer just scan or type it and then enter the dollar amount???
I know I'm missing something here and need to understand it before I go to the next step