
Topic: How to remain calm and cool on Bitcointalk ? - Question (Read 564 times)

jr. member
Activity: 210
Merit: 1
To keep calm and cool is never entertain rude comments.There are lots of forum members here that is very rude and cant just explain things in a good way.I know they do it on purpose especially those in higher ranks because they are more knowledgeable and they dont care to others.Some of them replied in sarcastic way because they just want to stop useless post or they just dont agree in a certain post.We cannot please everyone and this forum is not for pity I guess.So just dont mind if you encounter harsh comments and let it pass.Just focus on researching things to add more knowledge about cryptocurrency/bitcoin rather than spending time to answer negative comments.
hero member
Activity: 2352
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Couldn't imagine this kind of questions on crypto related forum, really. If you are cool, you'll keep calm. For me being cool means being confident and full of knowledge. This way you can to be ironical sometimes, which personally gives me some boost when I am true.
And oh, hang on every merit related threads where people claim how it ends their life + don't visit threads like how to tell about bitcoin my grandparent's uncles... Promise me, avoid such threads and you'll remain calm.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 4370
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I forgot to mention the most important thing.

Use the ignore feature. It is quite amazing how much the forum improves once you have got a few hundred spalluters ( spamming polluters of the boards) in your ignore list.

This has been a life saver for me as of late.

Since the mods don't really care to block/remove people whose main objective is to cause a disturbance, the ignore feature is the next best option.
hero member
Activity: 1400
Merit: 571
My tips and advice to do that;

1. Ignore who you think should be ignored, especially those doesn't have a brain who like to debate things even though they are wrong in the first place, don't argue with them, it's nonsense.

2. Don't fight if you know that you are the one who's right, I mean, if it is not that important to fight with, then what is the point, you are just wasting your time if you will always fall with their traps.

3. Instead of giving attentions to those toxic people here in this forum, just focus on the important things that are more worthy of your time, time is precious to be wasted.
sr. member
Activity: 728
Merit: 265
Wake up, eat, take a bath, do some yoga, post or reply some nice messages here in forum, eat, do chores, eat, sleep, repeat.

Don't know how complicated your life is but take a moment with the latter statement I give (don't be objective to on it you can do your daily routine it's justa positive advice
Activity: 3346
Merit: 3130

There was one time a couple years ago when I got really pissed off because I felt like I was getting attacked here.  Can't even remember what it was all about, and at this point I don't care.  I had to take a step back, a breath, and a few days' break from bitcointalk.

Yep, that can actually happen. Let`s be honest here: we spend a lot of hours per day in the forum, and, as well as you can feel that you are having some "good friends", you can feel nausea with other`s commentaries, other`s quotes, or even by other`s mere existence.
I`ve surprised myself by really feeling hate for one or other spammer, and also I got frustrated many many times because I used to take the things too personally, given the hours I`m around here.

The forum can be somehow addictive: you get addicted to the person you are building around here, like in a game, like feeling close to a character in a game-play. But this is just that: fiction characters engaging with other fictional characters. Yes, you can actually make some good cyber friends in here, yes, you can learn from other`s perspective, but to involve the feelings is to go too far.
Let`s keep the feeling for those close to us in our "real-physical-life" and, by doing so, just enjoy the positive things around here, for there are a lot!

Activity: 224
Merit: 18
If senior members say some hard words to the new members for their poor post quality,then members should take it positively.  Don't take these words on their ego.  All are to improve to share knowledge and make this forum good.

Activity: 2968
Merit: 3061
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How to remain calm and cool on Bitcointalk ? I have seen that sometimes things get heated up between members and then we see a lot of hate. This results in waste of lot of time and energy which could have spent in constructive activities on this forum.

Now this forum also has a lot of experienced members and I thought that it would be beneficial for us to hear about how they keep calm on this forum.

Don't take things so seriously. How do you remain calm and cool in real life when someone says something you don't like? Either way, it's much easier online. There's no threat of violence and you can compose yourself before every word. You're behind a computer screen that protects you, but obviously this can turn even cowards into thinking they're invincible gobshites, but they're only words at the end of the day. If somebody says something that enrages you then maybe don't comment on it. Ignore it and it can't hurt or annoy you. If you engage and let their words effect you then it's on you and something that could have easily have been avoided. Just don't engage in something if you know it's going to descend into something that is going to negatively effect you and take up a considerable amount of your time. Use the ignore feature if you want to not be able to see certain people's posts that you know are going to annoy you.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Now this forum also has a lot of experienced members and I thought that it would be beneficial for us to hear about how they keep calm on this forum.

I don't. It's bad for my blood pressure to keep it all bottled up. I feel a lot better after a good virtual yelling.
Activity: 2758
Merit: 6830
Are there features in place now, that can enable a user to not see the signature worn by another user or not to see his/her avatar?

1. Go to: Profile -> Look and Layout Preferences;
2. Checkmark "Don't show users' avatars" and/or "Don't show users' signatures";
Activity: 229
Merit: 0
I forgot to mention the most important thing.

Use the ignore feature. It is quite amazing how much the forum improves once you have got a few hundred spalluters ( spamming polluters of the boards) in your ignore list.
Adding shitty posters into Ignore List is a good solution, but it is only one of solutions for this issue.
Beside that, using the following things might help:
  • Don't show users' avatars.
    Don't show users' signatures.
    Ignore Boards Preferences
These features help to reduce annoying, uncomfortable feelings automatically pop-up with shitty threads, which widely shown off in the forum.

Are there features in place now, that can enable a user to not see the signature worn by another user or not to see his/her avatar?
Activity: 3556
Merit: 7011
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That`s quite simple: do not take things too personally.
I agree with this 100%.  This forum is a pretty harsh place with a lot of criticism, but ultimately it's just an internet forum and it shouldn't provoke strong emotional responses--not that emotionally charged posts can't be made, but that the person behind the keyboard shouldn't get furious or despondent because of something written here.

There was one time a couple years ago when I got really pissed off because I felt like I was getting attacked here.  Can't even remember what it was all about, and at this point I don't care.  I had to take a step back, a breath, and a few days' break from bitcointalk.

Hell, I just got a death threat because of a feedback I left.  You just have to roll with these things.
jr. member
Activity: 45
Merit: 4
In a nutshell, the OP author raised un-necessary question. Additionally, it is personal problem with each forum member, and we all can certainly not have relevant answers for each case.

Each forum user has different emotional characteristics, and should find the most relevant wait to keep calm and cool (might be a unique approach) in the forum by themselves, for themselves.
full member
Activity: 658
Merit: 152
Man, this is the forum and all psychologists will tell you that it is much more easier to represent your opinion and emotions (negative as well) when it is not in person. Who knows what kind of individuals are hiding behind this haters from the forum?! II guess not everyone of them is the same in real life  Roll Eyes
Activity: 2828
Merit: 2472
A few signatures are useful.

Ignoring a member means that both his signature and avatar will be ignored as well. It's a fact that bounty managers should consider when they are monitoring their spolluters.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 4085
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
I forgot to mention the most important thing.

Use the ignore feature. It is quite amazing how much the forum improves once you have got a few hundred spalluters ( spamming polluters of the boards) in your ignore list.
Adding shitty posters into Ignore List is a good solution, but it is only one of solutions for this issue.
Beside that, using the following things might help:
  • Don't show users' avatars.
    Don't show users' signatures.
    Ignore Boards Preferences
These features help to reduce annoying, uncomfortable feelings automatically pop-up with shitty threads, which widely shown off in the forum.
Activity: 2828
Merit: 2472
I forgot to mention the most important thing.

Use the ignore feature. It is quite amazing how much the forum improves once you have got a few hundred spalluters ( spamming polluters of the boards) in your ignore list.
sr. member
Activity: 602
Merit: 327
Politeness: 1227: - 0 / +1
I will provide some reasons why there are always a war between members (usually to Mods and members) and you should avoid these reasons.
1. Spamming - This is the first reason why members can't understand each other its because there are members who are cleaning the forum from spammers but these spammers are not stopping what they were doing. Without unity between spammers and good members, as long as these spammers are not quitting spamming the forum, the war will never end.
2. Creating threads repeatedly (mostly about Merit) - I've noticed that once some noob creates a new thread asking what is Merits etc, an argument will start between OP and the member who replied with it. The lesson I'm telling you here is "Do not create thread/topic if it is already discussed/created before. If you're unsure if the topic already exist, try to use the SEARCH function of the forum".
3. Merit beggars - Mods really hates merit beggars, so if you're planning to be one, it's better to stop your plan immediately.
4. Asking "why I can't receive Merits?"  - If you're a spammer or twitbook bounty report spammer with almost all post are links to facebook, twitter etc. Don't expect that you will receive any Merits. Making a thread asking why you can't receive merit will only make Mods activate their "Beast" mode. I'm afraid that also some members who will get annoyed to the thread.
5. Spamming Meta Section - there are several members here who really hates when spammers spammed Meta section (include me and seoincorporation). Meta is one of the remaining section who had good discussions and we won't let spammers just wander around and spam.
6. Asking obvious questions - it's obvious that this should be avoided.
7. Violating forum rules then complaining about the reason they get banned - If you knew that you violated a rule like plagiarism, etc. Then don't ask why you get banned. It's pretty obvious. You will just annoy Moderators.

Also I noticed this..
8. Applying for campaigns without reading the rules.
9. Posting "Good projects, interesting project"  Cheesy
10. Etc....

jr. member
Activity: 45
Merit: 4
Stay away from bounty and airdrops
Don't cheat or steal
That's it, @Jet Cash.

Something more:
1) Stay away from non-sense discussions, which mostly started by account farmers, shitty posters. They tend to use one of their accounts to create new topic, then using other accounts to make a pseudo-, non-sense discussions.
2) Don't fall into quick judgements on projects, exchanges, forum users without clearly, strongly evidence.
3) Should be as neutral as possible in any discussions.
Activity: 93
Merit: 11
How to remain calm and cool on Bitcointalk ? I have seen that sometimes things get heated up between members and then we see a lot of hate.
Those mainly happened in merit-crying and spammers, shitposters related topics. Stay away from them.

BTW what is that jajaja part? still, I didn't understand what it's all about Huh
In some languages, it has the same pronounciation as "hahaha"
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