That's why instead of buying bulk, I only buy those necessary groceries that we need. And with cooked food, we've got some stores in here that sells cooked food, not restaurant and fast food. But smaller ones and they're cheaper than the typical.
I'll be testing this strategy if we'll be able to save since we're tight on budget. Hopefully, this is going to work for my family.
higher considering the ingredients are becoming more expensive.We know that inflation affects everything so there's no way that you could avoid that.It is really much better to cook your own food rather
than on keep buying because it would really be resulting into more expense rather than on saving up.In overall if you do find yourself having problems then it would be wise on having consideration
on trying your best on finding other source of income aside from your current job atm.
This is just a temporary solution that I've found out and will test on how long I'll be doing this. Because if I didn't save doing this with that amount per meal then I'll go back to the usual thing of cooking our own food. Anyway, the usual amount of meal we do is around $2+ plus the gas and electricity of each meal for cooking.