Making a budget allows you to see where your money goes and how to manage it which is essentially all you need.
That is not a difficult task if you are willing to save your money then you are going to help yourself. Because you are the one that is going to help with your money.
Because every time I get my payday I am already allocating my budget for the whole week and I am not satisfy if there is no savings to be deposited to my bank account.
Just learn to manage your money properly, don't buy the things that are easy to depreciate and you don't really need.
Yeah you're right. You just have to have the mindset and self control to set aside a certain amount to save. It should come first than unnecessary expenses that you won' t really need unless you have a considerable amount to spare.
Every time I get my pay, the first thing I do is sit down on my desk and budget it.
My priorities are bills, needs, then savings - if I can allot money for entertainment/'luxuries', then good.
I also avoid looking at online shops or even when I'm at the mall.