...citing fiatleak as a source for incoming fresh fiat is ridiculous (or for anything else, for that matter)
You'll have to ask the fiatleak guy. I forget his handle.
Citing actual information, as opposed to just making shit up, is not ridiculous. The information does have defects, important parts are missing, but at least it is factual, which is more than I can say for MatTheCat's dyspeptic issues. Dude needs a prozac or something. Not that I don't respect his strategy - because I do - I'm just skeptical of its motivations, which seem a bit on the ...intuitive... side for my taste.
The strongest case I know at present which leads to downside is a technical case, ABC wave. C is due.
I really would appreciate some information from MatTheCat. My question is genuine, and I will repeat it:
How is China, by which I take it you mean roughly 1.3bn PRC residents, going to "exit" Bitcoin? Why do you believe in such a notion?