Just choose any address you have control - or generate a vanity one (what most people do) -, and post it in this thread[1]. Then, you need it, just sign any message with your staked address to prove that the message it's coming from the real you.
[1] https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/stake-your-bitcoin-address-here-996318
Yeah, I know that topic. All the searches of "How to stake a bitcoin address" lead me to that thread, which is only useful once you know how to do it. Anyways, you got any recommendations on what to use to sign a message and where to generate a vanity address? Also, I sign my message with the private key, right? And I give my public key?
Thanks for your help
How to generate your vanity addresss:
1. Download the binaries (https://github.com/downloads/samr7/vanitygen/vanitygen-0.22-win.zip);
2. Extract it in a folder, open the Command Line (cmd) in the folder and run "vanitygen.exe -v 1YOURPREFIX";
3. When it's over, it will print all the information you need, including the full address and private key.
How to sign the message (I suggest you to use Electrum):
1. Create a new wallet and select Standard Wallet -> Use public or private keys -> Paste your vanity address private key. You have imported your vanity address!
2. When you need to sign a message, go to Tools -> Sign/verify Message.
3. Write your message in the "Message" field and paste your Vanity Address in the "Address" field. Click "Sign".
4. Now copy the text that will appear in the "Signature" field.
Use this format when you want to post your signed message:
How are you?
This thread details the same procces: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/how-to-sign-a-message-990345
[1] https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/vanitygen-vanity-bitcoin-address-generatorminer-v022-25804