Let me tell you all, i have no experience in trading and it sound so difficult to me so please answer my questions
so how can i start and where can i start?
where to learn the basics? some good books?
how much profit can i expect daily in the beginning?
How to avoid major loss?
is there any professional traders that allow to follow their trades and they charge some fees for it?
Waiting for your answers
trading is not about "profit & lost", trading is management skill, you must manage your emotion, your mind to calculate any action.
before you start with 2BTC, i recomended you to start with 0.2BTC or maybe just 0.02BTC save the last for next step, if you can survive with small amount, you can survive with big amount.
you can use trading analityc for daily trade and control emotion when you must buy and sell, and don't forget to set endpoint from each trade action, like cut lost and cut profit.