Fly a plane into the White House?
Now only if we can get the rest of humanity to boycott America we should be alright
That is a bit extreme, I am not a terrorist.
You don't think the Asian powers are spying on you?
That is the point, why will Asian powers spy on me. The information will be useless to them, unless we are anti China, Japan, or who ever.
Also China only give a crap if you say bad things about their government. Which I don't do anyway. I live in the UK, so GCHQ so give a shit about collecting data on me, and they have some use for this.
I will stop using all US brand of electronic, service and pc. Such as Apple, Cisco, ...
So you are boycotting stuff made in China?
Well, Huawei, Sony, Samsung and many other Asian brands are partly made in China anyway. It is not about boycotting China, it is about boycotting US and the UK. During the manufacture process, the NSA and GCHQ will put in some chips which they can snoop on us. Now I know why GCHQ was so scared when British Telecom uses Huawei now, because if it is Cisco, they can snoop on us.