Ha so you are refusing to present it now? what a chicken shit piece of snitching dirt you are.
I already told you. The "case" was that the post was off topic, nothing to do with elections, personal attack. I don't have the exact wording because reports aren't visible to me.
[ BS rant skipped ]
I challenge you to do it right now. If not then you have no case that you care to present. If you can easily prove mine should be deleted and his left there then fair enough.
You're right about one thing. I don't care much about your rambling except when you break the rules. If you think some other post was off topic too - report it.
If not I want you to message the mod and have it replaced.
You can replace it yourself and skip the drama. Despite what you're insinuating, moderators don't take orders from me.
Are you serious?
The pharmacist aka huge black woman the person who got busted for sig spamming racist trolling under a sock puppet to earn more btc dust for spamming an extra sig and even then was so greedy got caught trying to leave one campaign for a higher paying one starts making false accusations about me out of the blue.
I was alerted to this accusation about myself directly so
1. I told the truth that he was busted for being sneaky and greedy and sig spamming under a puppet account for extra btc dust
2. i told the truth that when i asked him his greatest achievement here he told me it was getting on a highly paid sig campaign
I pointed out inlight of this why I disagreed with his views on the DT selection and elections and on myself being a baffoon voicing incorrect stupid unworkable views ( can't please everyone argument).. and why he may be making these false claims.It is obviously on topic because he is commenting on the elections and the trust system and actually telling people my views are incorrect and that I am a baffoon and his views that it is all working perfectly are the correct views?this is of course likely motivated by the fact that even such a person of proven untrustworthy repute as him and his master lauda can still be given powers of trust and rewarded for essentially gaming the systems.
So suchmoons you say he huge black woman.. can say my views are incorrect and I look like a baffoon (all unsubstantiated bullshit from a proven untrustworthy scumbag) and I have to have my post deleted for presenting facts as to his background and why he is saying this about me and the lack of need for any changes to the DT system and elections are not required or even worth debating??
Now explain how it is off topic and non relevant?
I await your explanation.
It is clearly just an attempt to silence facts that demonstrate your DT inclusion pal and merit fan and receiver cycling pal the pharmacist is clearly a sneaky and greedy and untrustworthy person.
This by your own definition suchmoon makes you untrustworthy ...again from yet another source.
You are starting to look very shady indeed. I see you colluding with all manner of observably untrustworthy individuals. You need to be watched very closely.