my script get hash, amount etc.. but i need wallet of player.
There is no simple way to get the "sending address"[1]. You have to check the inputs, but more often than not there will be several inputs. Its better to let the user set an address you store in your database along with their other information.
txid = dc8697d1afd6c7ac2f667cd3239e19bf227a7b5ce8be64b2f8bb3c626979425b # "random" one from the block to the hash that Polyatomic posted.
raw_tx = getrawtransaction(txid)
decoded_tx = decoderawtransaction(raw_tx)
within decoded_tx you will find a "vin" section with a value "vout" and a txid. If you check each of the txids you will see that they have a "vout" section. The outputs that created the inputs that are used in the TX you received. Find the one where "vout" matches "n" and look up its address. In this example there are 4 inputs, all "from" the address "1NgrpJJj2PMj9RsHutVK7vf8dchcpfM4YZ", but you need to decide how you want to handle different addresses.
IIRC the data is mixed formatted, arrays within JSON, but that might be different for PHP.
[1] there is no such thing