Pandemic is a bad thing, I don't like when people suffer, but this is the chances for people who survive to start doing things in different way. We need to start paying attention on each other, on nature around, not on banks, politics and wars!
The status of the economy of the different country today is still not stable which is a huge problem of them before the outbreak starts the US are one of the largest countries that has a good GDP and next is the other one's but when the virus is spreading most of the countries today are falling down which is not a good thing because it affects a lot to their incomes. Some of the reason why it falls they avoid getting import and export from a different country because they don't want to spread the virus because of the transmission because they don't have enough knowledge how does the virus can transmit next some of the supplies on different places cones into shortage because of the people hoarding a lot of foods, and other supplies needed because they made a lockdown and only restricted one person can only get out on their houses.
By that, the fiat currency is slowly going down because the money came from their country and came from exchange or trading does not circulate properly because the users or the whole cannot spend their funds. IMO we don't need to hold money because it is not important today because life is more important to take care of your self than taking care of your money.