The network effect would determine if it survives or not. Basically if the free-market decides they are worth securing then it will last and live on.
Does it detract from bitcoin, yes somewhat. But those who are hardcore supporters of bitcoin will just stick with bitcoin.
So ultimately no. Temporarily maybe.
Pretty much, this. The market will decide. Not much we can do anyways, right?
I agree with the poster who said that it will make people begin to actually look at the merits of each altcoin.
I have a position in a few alts and have made some SERIOUS profit off of them but I'm waiting for the coin that actually isn't a copy-pasta of the Satoshi client except replace SHA256 with scrypt. That was a great idea, and there have been a few other decent ideas, but now the market is just flooded with coins that are ALL copy-pastas of bitcoin-qt with a few minor changes. For added amateur impression, they even forget to do a simple search-replace "bitcoin" with "copypastacoin" in the TXT files included in the download package and in the dialogue boxes in the GUI.
You know, something with a
protocol specification. No magic numbers, and a strong predisposition against external dependencies. Something with a little innovation. Something with coin control and MofN and other features included that people have been whining for in Bitcoin for a while.
Alt-coin devs need to look at what Bitcoin got wrong, and write a new client with that in mind. Instead what they're doing is coming up with some nice concept, then taking bitcoin-qt and fiddling with it, releasing it as soon as possible to get rich before the next guy comes up with the idea. Again, the fact that some of them even forget to do a search-and-replace is a great indicator of the fail which entails such an operation.