Straight to the Discussion.
Overtime, I've read a lot of posts on ideas, comments, suggestions, or maybe I've posted a few myself, on features that should be implemented, or shouldn't be implemented, removed from Bitcointalk to make it better for all, this ideas, suggestions are either supported by many and rejected by a few, or rejected by many and supported by a few, still does not make any difference because Bitcointalk continues to remain as it is , lol
But today, I want each and every one of us to be the Boss, its a simple question, Assume yourself as the boss who oversees all the affairs of this forum,
-How are you going to make this forum better than it currently is?
-Are you going to implement new features? what would it be and how would it benefit the community?
-Are you likely to remove a feature or two? what feature would you remove and why would you remove it/them?
-Will you redesign the forum?, what color(s) and designs do you think would suit the forum better?
-Will prefer to change the way the forum is being moderated? what would be the new mode of moderation by you?
-Or would you rather leave(run) the forum as it currently is ?
The above are just question templates, use it or make something entirely new.
To begin the Discussion--If I was the Boss seeing over the affairs of Bitcointalk, I would implement a non-custodian Bitcoin wallet to the forum.
Reasons:--Bitcointalk is strongly part of Bitcoin's History, this meaning that the history of Bitcoin cant be discussed without mentioning Bitcointalk, so i feel its not out of place if Bitcointalk has a Bitcoin wallet built into it.
-Since a lot of Bitcoin transactions happen amongst the forum users everyday, having this feature will make sending and receiving Bitcoins amongst forum users very convenient.
So what about you ? How would you make Bitcointalk better if you were the Boss ?