UPDATE: Gamigication and More!We have been added in various mobile applications, see services:
http://www.htmlcoin.com/serviceAlso, we are now working on our "gamification projects," games will be develop using htmlcoin as currency.
Right now we are expanding in 10th times, 67 countries and counting, using our currency. The more users the better!
We are one of the highly traded currency in various exchange we are listed at. Our volume is expanding, a great positive sign for all of us!
Spreading awareness about our coin is our goal and we did it. Our marketing effort did work and many people now know about us. It is important to make people aware about our presence and we did it perfectly!
As we continue to do community effort in advancing htmlcoin community, please refer to our outline:
HTMLCOIN Strategic Plan Outline for 6 to 12 Months
Our immediate concern is to build a robust ecosystem that is creating necessary infrastructure for users to use htmlcoin as their preferred unit of exchange. Another equally important concern is how to facilitate awareness to potential users of htmlcoin. Public acceptance is key to spreading new innovation, in this case our htmlcoin. Lastly, we need to create a document that will give us a sense of direction as a community.
To address these priorities, we develop this outline which is organic and fluid in nature that these can be modified, enhance, and revised, in order to respond the present need. Below is the outline of where we are heading:
Building a robust ecosystem:
1. Wallet download - encourage people to download the wallet.
2. Coin mining - encourage miners to mine the coin while difficulty is lower and few people are doing it.
3. Trading exchange sites - request your trading exchange sites to add html to their services.
4. Exchange sign-up - encourage users to sign-up to trading exchange that we are listed. Trading sites is very important because it will make the coin flowing. We can do this by sending request to all possible trading sites, the more request trading sites received the more they will consider our coin to be listed for trading, they only want active user and community supporters.
5. Establish Trading sites and Other services – facilitate the creation of market places and support the development of applications that will popularize the use of our currency to mainstream.
Facilitate public awareness:
1. Tell friends about the coin – tell your family member about our coin.
2. Giveaways – our community is doing this by giving away free coins. We would like to thank the miners who donated the coin for giveaways.
3. Social Media – share our updates in Cryptocointalk, facebook, twitter, and other social sites, this will bust people’s awareness of our coin.
1. https://www.facebook.com/htmlcoin - encourage people to join
2. https://twitter.com/HTMLCOIN - encourage people to join
3. https://cryptocointalk.com/forum/1033-htmlcoin-html/
4. Write article – if you can write article about our coin and post it in a blog that would be great. You can send the link to “email@htmlcoin.com,” we will then optimize it or submit your article as press release.
HTMLCOIN Declaration Articles and Related Provisions:
5. We need to put together some thoughts about the direction of our community. We will be writing the "HTMLCOIN Declaration Articles and Related Provisions," this will serve as scaffolding or framework for our community. Inputs from the community members are necessary; we will be soliciting your ideas via Google Docs. You can add your ideas by sending it to “email@htmlcoin.com.” Our core value as a community is "technology integration to the public" and "Charitable Cause" to specific groups, again these ideas are organic in nature and can be change as to respond our need as one community. We have written some idea in the home page
www.htmlcoin.com, read them so that you have some idea on what direction we are going.
We hope this gave you an overview about the most recent development of our community.