Hello Guys,
Just sharing my experience with Hycon Mining
( They delivered MainNet 3 days ago from this date.)I start one day after launch ,
my mining on CPU , simple Mac Air I7 , i have some rigs, but build in to run using xmrig-nvvidia
https://github.com/Team-Hycon/hycon-core , still hard to me . So i jump on CPU miner to check , and as the dificulty is low (yet) , you can got good profits.
So, price ICO of Hycon
1 HYCON - 0,1 USD
After running correctly on my mac, using nohup and "&" on the end of command to mine, i got some hycons on my wallet.
( if you want you can dowload and run today, probably will get some profits also)
I tried on windows without success.
The mine is simple, you just download and run, wallet auto creation on terminal make the process easy. With parameter --api you run on localhost a administration page of your wallet.
I take some screenshots .:
https://imgur.com/a/hxsBHJZ Miner running - Image1
Anothers images - Administration page and wallet - i got 720 HYCONS on ~24hours mining CPU
My speed - ? Horrible ->
[2018-06-02 19:21:04.968] [INFO] CpuMiner - CPU Hashrate: 15 H/sBut with low difficulty is good to mine , yet..
My profit now (using base price ICO ) 720 x 0,1 = 72USD , ( not bad, im on notebook always on, set 3 CPUs to work.)
I used that command on mac ->
nohup ./hycon --api --api_port=2442 --cpuMiners=3 & *nohup to unlock command
* & to not lock my terminal.
* logs are on nohup.out on same folder.
Download and running and to me works ->
https://github.com/Team-Hycon/hycon-core/releasesOn ICO, i bougth ~840 Hycons, and now, some people, started running CPU miner on same point of launch, and some guys has a 300 000 HYCON
(rich guys now lol)
So, still have time to get some money.
enjoy guys
*If someone has knowledge how to build xmrig-nvidia to mine on Gpus to windows and want share, i will aprecciate.
(i tried here , but after one day with no success, i need a drink for now.
I think CPU mining is not fit for long term because processor is always active region in mining and cooling fan is not controlled in life time. So anytime it will affected in future because most of the miners are only preferred in GPU mining. If you earn good profit in CPU mining you will continue to your journey.