
Topic: create artificial intelligence and make money from water - page 9. (Read 2598 times)

copper member
Activity: 106
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Digital identity

🔘 Just imagine that all your assets will be located in one place. You will not need to use third-party websites or third-party services in order to exchange them for other assets, you will be able to forget about Bank cards, various paperwork, queues and a lot of commissions for transactions performed by intermediaries.

🔘 All this will be possible thanks to the unique development of  Hydrostandart project. Our platform will use the so-called "Digital identity", it is something like a personal account with the use of artificial intelligence. How will it work? A person creates their digital identity and "writes" on it all Bank cards, accounts and other details. After that it will be enough just to authenticate by looking at the camera of any gadget to make any transactions with their funds .

🔘 Thus, with the development of the project  a person needs to create their digital identity, open an account in any financial institution or create an electronic wallet to get unlimited access to the resources of the digital ecosystem.

🔘 And then, thanks to the introduction of artificial intelligence, all assets will be able to directly interact with each other. The universal infrastructure with a global trust network created by Hydrostandart project will give people the freedom to use their assets according to their needs without the intervention of third parties. And it will also eliminate fraudulent actions, since the AI used in Hydrostandart ecosystem is able to learn and respond to hacker attacks and other actions of intruders reducing the risk of losing the owner's assets.

🔺 Learn more:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Energy resources in our lives

⚡️ Every one of us consumes their part of the energy resources every day, although we don’t usually notice it: plugging a phone for charging, using a gas stove or refill a car gas tank. All of the above implies consuming the traditional energy resources that improve the quality of life for each and every one of us.

⚡️ To estimate the scale of energy consumption we can measure it in watts. Imagine for a moment: prehistoric humans only needed 100 watts to sustain life (compare this to a regular lightbulb). The modern human needs much more energy to power his needs in shelter, food, transport, communication and entertainment.

⚡️ With that in mind, if the society wants to prosper, it must first maintain a certain energy production and consumption level. The amount of energy required to meet the needs of each member of society and whether or not it will be enough to meet their needs depends on the efficiency of energy production technology.

⚡️ Energy resources are the foundation of stability and growth in each and every social system. Here’s an example to further illustrate the importance of energy in our lives.

⚡️ In the US alone the yearly fossil fuel energy consumption rate per capita is 10 kW. For other developed countries this number is ranging from 3 to 7 kW per capita.

⚡️ The average power consumption per capita when it comes to heating, light, industrial production, transport, agriculture, etc. accounts for a little above 2 kW. However, roughly 75% of the global population consumes just 0.5 kW, while 8% get by on just 100 W per capita. Even if it’s hard for you to think in kW, the correlating the figures with prehistoric humans power consumption of 100 watt is enough. Can this level of consumption make for a comfortable life? Of course not! This situation inevitably leads to hunger and other hardships.

⚡️ Having realized the sheer importance of energy, the Hydrostandart team has decided to build a new economic ecosystem based on one energy resource. The choice turns to hydrogen as a highly profitable and renewable resource that will power the new digital currency created as part of the project.

➡️ To learn more why hydrogen is the right alternative to the traditional energy industry and why energy production is important for the growth of any country, follow the link

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
The new digital currency HRS will become a universal tool of trade turnover

💠 We have already said that digitalization is inevitable – it is a new stage in the development of modern society. Technological progress will erase the boundaries between the physical, digital and biological spheres. Familiar things, such as paper money, will become a thing of the past and a new type of digital currency will be needed, the introduction of which gave impetus to the implementation of  Hydrostandart project.

💠 The transition of mankind to clean energy (RES) instead of traditional, and the construction of a digital economy, one way or another will force the world community to switch to energy standards of monetary circulation.

💠 That is why Hydrostandart project team decided to create a large-scale decentralized ecosystem based on artificial intelligence and energy standards. And no one has ever done this before! Nobody used hydrogen as a high yield asset providing a new currency! Hydrogen money (HRS) is the main store of value for digital currencies having real provision of digital assets and hydrogen energy.

💠 HRS will be used for unlimited financial settlements anywhere in the world. A monetary unit based on the "Hydrogen standard of money" will combine two properties: energy as a physical quantity and a tool of provision, and money as an information carrier.

💠 And most importantly! Very soon you will be able to become a part of  Hydrostandart project by purchasing the new digital currency HRS!

Learn more why it is profitable to be among the first investors:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Hydrogen: to make money out of water

💠 Prior to the publication of Hydrostandart's White paper, no project had proposed the use of clean energy as an asset capable of providing liquidity for a new generation of currency.

💠 Hydrostandart team are pioneers in this direction. Indeed, it is Hydrostandart that offers its investors to make money actually from water.

💠 Hydrogen-meets the new requirements of the world: the transition to clean energy sources, as well as it refers to renewable energy sources (RES). That is, it will not disappear either tomorrow or in 50 years, as it can happen with the same oil or gas. Already at this stage it becomes obvious that currencies reinforced by oil in the future will not be able to withstand competition with hydrogen. In addition, traditional energy is very dependent on the political situation, and this can not be said about the sun, wind, water, which are the real basis of clean energy.

💠 Hydrogen is a highly profitable asset that will reinforce the new digital currency created by Hydrostandart project. Thus, the new currency HRS, in addition to its nominal designation, will have the provision of liquid, easily divisible and easy to handle assets, with its help the internal value and resistance to changes from external economic factors will be created.

💠 Further more! The economic model built in this way will help to avoid global financial, economic and social crises, as well as to bring modern society to a new, higher and qualitative stage of development.

💠 We would like to remind you that the initial goal of the project is to achieve the rate of 1 HRS = 60 USD.  Do you like to know how the team will achieve such value?

🔺 Click right now:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
The benefit of the first investors

The sales of the new digital currency HRS will begin very soon. We would like to remind you once again its details, as well as to tell you about the benefit of being among the first investors of Hydrostandart project.

▪️ Soft cap: not determined
▪️ Hard cap: $10 000 000
▪️ The total number of the emission: 20 000 000. 00 HRS
▪️ Number of HRS for sale: 17 395 000,00
▪️ Minimum quantity for the purchase of HRS: not determined.

♨️ It is really profitable to be among the first investors, because, when holding ICO 1, the initial price is set: 1 HRS = 0.5$. During the ICO 2, the price for 1 HRS will grow to $ 1. And the investors from ICO 1 will have the opportunity to sell their tokens to the investors from ICO 2 at the price of 1HRS = 1 HRS or change their tokens by making X2.

🔺 More information can be found in WhitePaper:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
The goals of the project Hydrostandart

📍 Hydrostandart project is primarily aimed at solving the global problem: to change the existing economic system and offer a new decentralized ecosystem that will be effective not only today but also for future generations.

Taking hydrogen as a basis, as a real asset that can provide the value of a new digital currency, the team begins to implement the project.

⭕️ Today we will list the goals that face the project:

🔎 to create a decentralized ecosystem for direct interaction of any digital and tangible assets;

🔎 to start operation of the open decentralized network of hubs for the distributed storage of hydrogen energy with management on the basis of AI responsible for the account at issue, admission and uniform distribution within a network;

🔎 to create a system which will maintain the balance of the test network in the main issues of energy exchange:  Who? How much? At what price? For what purpose? From whom? How much? From what? At what price? List of links to other hubs and their importance? Their current volume? Needs/Opportunities? Behavior?

🔎 to develop modules for recording, analysis and management of energy behaviour and energy exchange;

🔎 to run modules for recording, analyzing and managing of data placed in open public form in Ethereum and web.

⭐️ Hydrostandart platform is an innovative model of money circulation, which will stimulate the modernization and renewal of all financial, economic and technological spheres. And all of the above mentioned is the gradual development of a new decentralized ecosystem.

🔺 Learn more about project goals here

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Why it is profitable to invest in Hydrostandart project

In our other posts we have already mentioned that the initial goal of the project is to reach the rate of 1 HRS = 60 USD.  And there is every reason to believe that this goal will be achieved. 60 dollars-reflects the value of the basic energy resource needed to maintain a prosperous standard of living in the modern social system during the day.

That is, modern man needs a total amount of energy at the current cost of $ 60: housing, food, transport, communication, entertainment.

And this figure will only grow.HRS is a monetary unit based on the "Hydrogen money standard" where hydrogen energy is a physical quantity and a security tool. Thanks to this and the above mentioned facts - HRS will become a universal tool of trade.

What is the benefit?

Unlike many other projects, in Hydrostandart anyone has the opportunity not only to earn on the sale-purchase of HRS currency. There are several more options through which the investors can earn:

📌 digitization of objects of the material world;

📌 creation and training of artificial intelligence;

📌 investments in the development of hydrogen energy;

📌 production of hydrogen assets.

Stay tuned! A little bit later we will tell you how to make real money out of water.

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
The digital economy is a fundamental part of the fourth industrial revolution

The fourth industrial revolution is a new era in human development, characterized by the blurring of the boundaries between physical, digital and biological technologies.

The technologies, which we are talking about, include artificial intelligence, the Internet of things, unmanned vehicles, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, quantum computers. Revolution will entail systemic changes. They will affect all spheres of business, society, politics and will require new forms of organization of the government and the private sector.

The economy and the modern financial model will not remain unchanged. That is why Hydrostandart project team, ahead of time, will create a new decentralized ecosystem based on artificial intelligence and energy standards, with its own digital currency supported by a real physical asset-hydrogen energy.

Learn more about the new standard of money right now:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Hydrostandart Advisor: Naviin Kapoor

We are happy to present to you our new advisor – Naviin Kapoor. He is a world-renowned IT expert. Naviin is also a business analyst and a manager at a number of IT projects, boasts over 13 years of experience in top international innovation process development teams that help businesses reach their goals.

Naviin Kapoor has a unique track record with international companies that is ranging from project and solution development to reaching and exceeding goals. The Hydrostandart team is sure the experience Naviin Kapoor  brings to the table will be instrumental in improving the project and ensuring we reach our goals on all levels.
copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Hydrostandart at Bitcointalk

💠 If you’re looking for the best place to discuss cryptocurrencies, Bitcointalk becomes the obvious number one choice — it’s the oldest and biggest internet forum about the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies as a whole. The website launched in 2009 when Bitcoin was worth just about a fraction of a cent.

💠 Originally, Bitcointalk was created by Satoshi Nakamoto – the creator of Bitcoin, who may or may not be a person or a group of people whose identity has remained in the shadows ever since. Prior to creating Bitcointalk, Satoshi would use SourceForge to discuss his creation. Unfortunately, the logs of those discussions are gone now. His original Bitcointalk profile is still available – last seen online 13 December 2010 (  )

💠 According to stats, there are 2.66 million registered users on the forum who have written over 52.5 million posts in total. Since its creation, Bitcointalk has had a few billion pageviews. An average of 500 new users sign up every day with the ratio of men to women at 4:1.

💠 was built with SMF – an open-source software pack.
Its design and functionality haven’t really changed since the day it launched.
The “Announcements (Altcoins)” subforum is one of the most popular on the entire website, followed by “Bitcoin discussion” and “Altcoin discussion”.

💠 Our project has decided to start a thread on that subforum – we invite you to visit the official Hydrostandart project thread
💠 We will be glad to see you among the visitors of our Bitcointalk thread where you can share your opinions and give feedback!

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Hydrogen is an inexhaustible clean energy

We would like to explain once again why hydrogen plays a dominant role in the project.

Any new economy created must be assured by a highly liquid asset, without which its development is simply impossible. However, what asset can be relevant today, when the world is on the verge of digitalization, and at the same time there is a trend not only to use new technologies, but also to reject traditional fuel, and to transit to clean energy sources. The project team has found such an asset capable of providing the value of a new currency (the new economic system should have its own monetary unit) and resistant to changes in external economic factors: it is hydrogen.

Nowadays, hydrogen meets the trend for RSE (renewable sources of energy) and has the highest energy content. The latter is important for the new decentralized ecosystem of Hydrostandart. Energy will become a physical quantity and a tool for providing digital currency HRS, which will become a universal tool of trade turnover.

Just think about it: the monetary unit HRS will have the ability to be compared with the standard at any point of calculation. This will contribute to the stability of the economic and financial systems, will be a reliable protection against risks, abuse, speculation and inflation. The cost of any product will acquire a reference price in the form of its own energy content and energy costs for its production.

As for RSE, which includes hydrogen-this makes it almost brilliant and underestimated, until recently, source of energy.

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe.
Hydrogen is a true renewable energy source, that is, it will not disappear in 40–50 years, as it can happen with oil, gas, coal.
Hydrogen — does not harm people and nature, and its reserves are inexhaustible.
Hydrogen, blockchain, AI = new decentralized ecosystem Hydrostandart.

Do you want to know more? Follow the link:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
HRS is the digital currency of the new economy

💧 Today we would like to tell you about HRS-a monetary unit based on the "Hydrostandard of money".

💧 Hydrogen money is the main repository of the value of digital currencies, and it has a two-level real provision by digital assets and hydrogen energy.

💎 The platform of Hydrostandart project will implement an innovative money circulation model in which HRS is the main digital currency of the ERC20 (Ethereum) standard.

▪️HRS starting price: ETH 0.0035, $0.5
▪️Soft cap: not determined
▪️Hard cap: $10 000 000
▪️The total number of the emission: 20 000 000,00 HRS
▪️Number of HRS for sale: 17 395 000,00
▪️Minimum quantity for the purchase of HRS: not determined.

🔺 More information about HRS digital currency:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
Hydrostandart: a new economic model

☝️ The economic model around the world will change, because it is already obvious that humanity is on the verge of global digitalization. Nowadays, it is impossible to deny the fact that in just a couple of years paper money will disappear from circulation, although 10 years ago almost anyone would have called this statement a fantasy.

But, nevertheless, the digital economy will not be able to work with paper and even electronic money.

➡️ Why is it so? Because these types of money will not be able to compete with digital currencies that already have:
✔️ high transaction speed;
✔️ convenient payments wherever the recipient/sender is;
✔️ low commission;
✔️ security and anonymity;
✔️ transparency of transactions;
✔️ exclusion of sanctions and arrests of personal funds.

💰 Let's look more broadly at the digital currency: on a global scale they are already very popular. This has happened due to people's distrust of the government, of the financial fmarket and due to the depreciation of traditional assets. Existing currencies no longer inspire confidence in people and they need something high-tech.

⭕️ Hydrostandart project offers not just the creation of a new digital currency, but a whole decentralized ecosystem. The project will use the latest technologies: AI, blockchain, and the main engine of the new economy will be the Hydrostandard of money.

💰 Realizing that the "circulatory" system of any economy is money, the project team will create a digital currency HRS. The internal cost and resistance to changes of external economic factors will be provided by a highly liquid asset-hydrogen.

💢 Moreover, the model of monetary circulation presented by Hydrostandart project is able to protect the world economy from future global financial, economic and social crises. And bring humanity to a new, higher and better level of civilization!

🔺 Learn more why Hydrogen is able to become the center of the new world economy in the White Paper of the project:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0

It’s now obvious that ICOs were a massive bubble that's unlikely to ever see a recovery. The median ICO return in terms of USD is -87% and constantly dropping. Let's look at some data!
This info does not apply to our project. Therefore, please do not post it here
copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
To make money out of water

✨ Sounds a bit fantastic, doesn’t it? But, nevertheless, Hydrostandard project proposes to use “hydrogen money”. What is it and why hydrogen has been chosen?

💧 Read more:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
"Hydrostandart for money" - a new universal digital currency

💠 Digitalization is one of the conditions of the fourth energy transition, on the threshold of which the whole world stands. Today, outdated technologies are replaced by new ones: AI, blockchain, robotics and many others-they are already being implemented in various areas from private business to the public sector. The economic sector is not an exception – its format is also changing, and in the future the entire financial system will change.

💠 Read more:

copper member
Activity: 106
Merit: 0

uses for measuring

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Hydrogen as 0 point for electrodes potencial measuring

Hydrogen has zero difference in potential to take and to give electrons to all other materials. Hydrogen pressure of 1 atmosphere and a temperature
of 298K and concentration of H + ions in a liter of pure water of 6*100 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 pieces. When assembling a closed circuit of
hydrogen electrode and determined electrode, the following reaction reversibly occurs on hydrogen electrodes surface:

2H+ + 2e− = H2

so, there is either a reduction of hydrogen, or its oxidation — it depends on a determined electrode whether it gives electrons or only takes them.
Measuring the direction and density of electrons flow moving along the circuit, we measure direction and potencial of determined.

A hydrogen electrode is a plate or wire made of metal that absorbs hydrogen gas (usually platinum or palladium). It is saturated with hydrogen
(at atmospheric pressure) and immersed in an aqueous solution containing hydrogen ions. The potential of plate depends on H+ ions concentration
in a solution. The electrode is the standard regarding which chemical reaction*s electrode potential is measured.

Hydrogen as chronometry

The transition time of a hydrogen atom from the energy-saturated state to the energy-depleted state with the accurate identification of emptying
optical signal is taken as oscillatory process*s basis. An oscillation frequency*s error of less than ±0, 000 000 000 000 5. With the technological
base development it is gradually decreasing. An accuracy of each subsequent second of 1C ± 0, 000 000 000 001 5

In 2020, it will be 60 years since the first maser on hydrogen atoms creation in N. Ramsey*s laboratory at Harvard (USA). It originated in course
of work to obtain maximum accuracy in experiments with atomic beams and it is still a device with a high short-term and long-term stability of
output frequency. Hydrogen masers and frequency standards based on them are used to solve a range of scientific and high-tech problems.
They are actively used in radio interferometry with ultra-long base and for time storage. The US Naval Observatory (the United States Naval
Observatory, USNO) uses more than 20 hydrogen masers in its atomic clock ensemble. Today, hydrogen masers have found application in global
positioning systems (GPS, GLONASS and Gallileo). Flights to Mars and near space also need them. A little less than a thousand hydrogen masers
of different modifications have already been produced in the world. Half of them are produced in Russia in Federal State Unitary Enterprise the
Institute of Electronic Measurements (IEM) KVARZ.

Hydrogen as money

Described in the scientific paper "The theory of the hydrogen money standard" ISBN: 977-5-4472-6301-0

Nowadays our civilization is on the fourth industrial revolution threshold, which will be characterized by a combination of technologies that erase
boundaries between physical, digital and biological spheres. With the change in economy*s format, financial system*s format will certainly
change too. The digital economy will not be able to work on paper or electronic money. It will need a new type of digital money, the introduction
of which this project justifies.

ust as space exploration and electronic telecommunications development, radio navigation, radio astronomy forced to develop and implement
the "The theory of the hydrogen standard of frequency and time", mankind*s transition to hydrogen energy and digital economy construction
will force the world community to move to energy standards of monetary circulation, based on the "Theory of the hydrogen money standard."

TThe theory of the hydrogen money standard is a scientific and theoretical basis for digital ecosystem creation based on artificial intelligence
and energy standards. The hydrogen money standard is a metric system for measuring digital money using the physical parameters of hydrogen.
Hydrogen money is the main storage of digital currencies value, having a two-level real supply of digital assets and hydrogen energy.

This platform offers to implement an innovative model of monetary circulation, which will stimulate modernization and renewal of financial,
economic and technological spheres. It is based on the fact that money circulation is a "circulatory" system of the economy, so money, in
addition to its nominal designation, must have the provision of marketable, easily divisible and easy-to-handle assets, due to which their
internal value and resistance to changes in external economic factors are created. It is this model of money circulation that can protect the
world economy from future global financial, economic and social crises, as well as bring humanity to a new, higher and better stage of civilization.

This theory implies a necessity of introducing a new universal energy unit for unlimited financial calculations. The main difference between
proposed currency from existing, or ever existed-strict compliance with the physical quantity in a form of a certain amount of energy.
The unit of currency on Hydrogen money standard basis will combine two properties: energy as a physical property and a security tool,
and money in a form of a data carrier. Due to this, it will become a universal tool of trade turnover. Such a currency unit has the ability to be
compared with a benchmark at any calculation point, which will contribute to stability and sustainability of economic and financial systems,
as well as provide reliable protection against abuse, speculation and fraud. The cost of any product will acquire a reference price in a form of
its own energy content and energy consumption for its production.

Organization and stability of any social system is achieved only by understanding human nature and the rules of social system. People should
clearly realize that the most important thing for achieving material well-being is the energy principle. Its efficiency is indicated by the following
data on values of specific energy consumption per person in archaic, primitive societies and modern societies. It is energy that is of paramount
importance for culture evolution, since there are three determining factors in any cultural system:

The energy amount per person each year.
Efficiency of technological means and methods of energy extraction.
The volume and quality of manufactured items and services to meet human needs.
It is scientifically established that this kind of value usually reflects the living standard in a particular social system. For example, in the US
the specific power consumption of non-renewable fossil energy resources per person each year exceeds 10 kW/person. In industrialized
countries, this value varies from 3 to 7 kW / person.

The average power consumption per person (heating, lighting, industrial production, transport, agriculture, etc.) is just over 2 kW.
However, 75% of the world*s population consumes only 0.5 kW of power, and 8% of people consume only 100 watts per person.
This corresponds to consumption of primitive man, which inevitably leads to hunger and deprivation.

From all the above we can conclude that if society wants to have a prosperous life, it must first maintain a certain level of energy production
and consumption. Moreover, energy sources should be renewable and not cause harm to the world. And hydrogen, in this regard,
there are no competitors. It won*t!

All great civilizations known to mankind relied on a basic energy resource in their development to some extent, and at the same time entirely
depended on it. This is the main feature of the ordered structures - they degrade and disintegrate very quickly without stable energy flow
from the outside. The future Earth civilization must provide themselves with the necessary and sufficient amounts of energy and create a
universal system of its transmission and distribution in order to be able to develop and grow steadily.

Evolution of hydrogen*s added value:

6789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233341234567891011121314151617 1819202122232425262728293031323334
1 gram of WATER = 0 $

9 grams of WATER + TECHNOLOGY = 0,01$ for 1 gram of HYDROGEN

1 gram of HYDROGEN + TECHNOLOGY = 30 thousand $ for per 1 gram of hydrogen isotope TRITIUM

1 gram of TRITIUM + TECHNOLOGY = 60 billion $ for 1 gram of ANTIHYDROGEN *

The goal
1 HRS = 60 USD**

1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333412345678910111213141 516171819202122232425262728293031323334
Primitive man needed 100 Watts of energy to maintain life every day, and modern man needs a total amount of energy at a current cost of 60$:
for housing, food, transport, communication, entertainment. The rate of 1 HRS = 60 USD reflects a value of the basic energy resource necessar
 to maintain a prosperous standard of living in the modern social system during the day.

How you can earn:

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buy-sell HRS

digitization of material and non-material objects

creation and training of artificial intelligence

investment in the development of hydrogen energy

production of hydrogen assets

How it works?


Authorization- Enter your e-mail

  • Enter your password
  • Log in to the HRS management system
  • Bind your Ethereum wallet

Creation and training of artificial intelligence
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