I'm hesitant to post these instructions as I think it's probably best for everyone to wait for the new wallet to be made available, but this is what I did to get the wallet running using a separate HyperStake directory - not sharing the same Truckcoin directory.
EDIT: I see zeewolf has posted a solution, it may be better
Download wallet from:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/w2omle0oi6uyja8/HyperStake-qt.exe(link from OP)
1. Navigate to your Roaming folder to find the \Truckcoin folder
(click start menu, type in
%appdata% and Roaming folder should appear)
Your Roaming folder probably has a path like:
username\appdata\roaming - make a note of this
2. Make a copy of the entire Truckcoin folder with in \Roaming, paste it, so you get \"Truckcoin copy", rename it HyperStake
3. From start menu, type in cmd.exe and hit enter
4. From with in the cmd.exe window, you need to change into the directory containing the HyperStake-qt.exe wallet you downloaded previously. If this is something like c:\users\
username\downloads, copy this and place quote marks around it, and then in cmd.exe type:
cd "c:\users\
hit enter
then paste in the start-up command:
HyperStake-qt.exe -addnode= -addnode= -
hit enter, HyperStake wallet will open. Since you copied your Truckcoins' wallet.dat file when you made a copy of \Truckcoin and renamed it HyperStake, your new HYP coins will be loaded.
If you don't know what the hell you're doing I suggest just waiting for the new wallet as the above instructions will not be permanent. It's still sharing a lot of the \Truckcoin files (from when you copied the \Truckcoin folder and renamed it HyperStake) - which get overridden by the start-up command for now.