I believe the OP just wants attention and surprisingly he's been given.
I repeat:
I am a ordinary user and came here to read
Then my attention was drawn to the monkeys advertising the word "Ch*pm*xer". I didn't want to read them, but in every post they had the word "Ch*pm*xer". These monkeys did everything to attract attention. So
Ambatman it's a big question who was trying to attract whose attention here
Then I realized that these monkey earning its money by promoting that word "Ch*pm*xer"
But when I tried to find out how to join their sect, it turned out that they take monkeys who will actively spam and flood everywhere. I refused.
This is the end for him in BTT but he still has time replying messages in the thread.
People are increasingly realizing that the forum is not what it used to be. I am no longer interested in your forum. This is more the end for the forum than for me as a user.
Is there some services you can render and be paid in BTC, you can list them in the service section.
I can participate in discussions and fairly resolve disputes, without paying attention to any DT authorities who sometimes cover for their protégés. I am not afraid of any accusations from these monkeys and I am not afraid of anything at all.
I can identify and expose falsifications and fake votes in competitions, I have already studied their methods.
I can advertise your tokens (but not scams or shitcoins). But only in free form, without requirements for the number of posts. I am for organic growth and against spam and flooding
I do not know how else I can be useful. Do you have o job for me?