If the only interest in a product was the price, then why the heck would you have stayed this long. When else is that true, I dont care about the stereo, how it sounds; No its the price and if it gets alot cheaper or too expensive then I no longer want it. Really doesnt make sense and if you are a trader then maybe you should have leveraged a short sale or you just got it wrong, again thats no reflection on the product itself. Its not a share ?
Someone must see Bitcoin as investment
They dont have to. Its more important people see bitcoin as secure and useful to them in their normal business. If its not useful then it deserves to go down in price, it really is a secondary consideration though
Investment comes in actual work done. If you invest in infrastructure, the technology, the design and operation of the hashing then you made an investment. If you bothered to setup a pool, invest in servers then you were relying on this business to return positively.
Thats real investment, speculation can be anything and when you sold bitcoin I would suggest you look to what currency you have just bought because you are always in the game whatever you do