Can Chinese people easily open foreign bank accounts? I thought China is really hard on controlling the flow of capital to prevent it fleeing from their country. Chances are, Chinese citizens will be getting caught while sending or receiving funds from foreign exchanges/bank accounts if their regulators have enough control, which I assume they do, knowing how totalitarian China is.
- content says everything has become illegal
Contradiction much?
I don't understand this addiction to call everything FUD.
No, it's a damn FACT! It's as real as it can get, the PBOC has issued this notice which as fucked as it might be in China has the same power as the real law issued by the parliament in other states, and unless anything changes yes, cryptocurrency have become nearly illegal, the only thing not punishable is possession.
Bitcoin community has a huge persecution complex and this idea that the major powers of this world, like banks and governments, are always plotting against Bitcoin. But if any of that was true, those powers would have simply banned all white market uses of Bitcoin.