Every time you genuinely want to discuss something here you will encounter three type of persons,
1) Laborers : Reply just for the sake of increasing signature campaign posts. They will jumble words and consciously stretch the
sentences. They do not care about the quality of argument.
You can report these, if they get deleted (they often do), they can't get paid for that post.
2) Overcomplicaters : They will test any argument on Cartesian certainty, no matter how sound your argument may be but they will oppose it
with tooth and nail.
3) Bosses : Just look at my rank/merits/green trust, you should be grateful that I commented on your thread.
You can always ignore them; not much more than can be done here (unless it's off topic, in which case a report is valid)
You could also create a self moderated thread; clearly stating that you will not allow off topic, spam and some other shitposts; and problem solved. You'll most likely get called a censor or some other similar BS; but I think we can live with people from a forum being mean to us