Based on my uptime he would almost always have 1 or 2 rigs with an issue.
Yeah, 50 gpus or less is normal for a miner, 100 gpus or less is already beyond normal, more than 1000 gpus is extreme but since he does not do any management at all, it's a worthy investment as long the people do not scam him because not having control of your gpus is a risk. The way things are is a great time for mining, sideways is always good for mining but looking ahead 6 months timeframe, is dangerous. If roi = 3 months then good, if 4 to 6 months roi then = break even, if more than 6 months = dangerous.
For me sideways is terrible, I like extremes, going up to heheaven a lot and crashing to hehell a lot. That is how i earn money trading.