Haha, i was actually pleasantly surprised with the feedback. It's definitely encouraged me to do more and try to push these ideas more. I followed up with one of my favourite Andreas Antonopoulos youtube videos on their Facebook page. I agree though, mostly people give you some very negative responses.
Best way to convert someone IMHO is to get them to use it or experience it first hand. Next time you are going out for a dinner party make sure you go to a restaurant that accepts bitcoin and pay for your meal or everyones with your cell wallet. You will immediately get them interested and asking you questions and than you can go into all the reasons why you prefer it over credit cards and cash like..
1) If someone steals your cellphone you don't lose your bitcoins (as you have a HD 12 word backup)
2) If someone steals your cell they cannot use your BTC as they need your pin (mycelium and others) and with a cc they can create fraud and you can be inconvenienced by needing to order a new cc and paying the deductible
3) That local businesses appreciate it more as they don't get charged a transaction fee and thus it helps the local economy
4) There is no risk of hackers attacking the business or payment processor(I.E... target) and committing identity theft and fraud as bitcoin was designed to secure you by not giving over your personal identification , credit cards are flawed by design and while applepay is better is still weaker in security than bitcoin.