There are two indicators related to gold to watch out for. The first indicator is production and the second is gold reserves.
Gold is quite steady in its production, takes a decade to establish a gold mine. They are trying to setup the largest gold mine in Europe and its taken so many years including locals setting fire to equipment to protest the idea of capitalism. Still no gold is being taken out just money put in, so its not easy but world production has/will rise perhaps double in the end.
They will liquidate the Fort Knox gold reserves one day I think. Before its all over I think it happens such is the outstanding liabilities it would be required as payment; overall trend is higher reserves vs a weaker dollar.
There has been Gold net buying by central banks for over a decade. China which had previously zero gold held is both the largest buyer of gold and the largest producing nation, actual total reserves are unclear. I do think also some countries will throw out their gold, Venezuela was trying to raid the central bank to sell it; they were stopped by legal issues as to ownership since the military took over the country and now drug run for revenues their gold remains held awaiting settlement, previously some sold by Chávez.
The net effect is towards more gold held toward global trade and value exchange. I think BTC and a couple other standards such as competing FIAT or commodity standards will also see growth in usage vs less Dollar usage and eventual realization of lost value.
Inflation is expansion of a monetary base, if we do respect that measure the value lost is gigantic. The counter argument is higher GDP, expanding usage but USD was already the global reserve currency the best guess is obviously this effect is in decline and with good reason from overt bias and losses such as QE spending with failure to repay.