the whole space of the microcosm is an endless fireworks of birth and annihilation of particles. There is an impression that it is not only not homogeneous, but also does not have its stable, calm state. It is the same as life, if we classify the term "life" in terms of energy processes.
Yes. 'Empty' spacetime still has a minimum vacuum energy, as described by Heisenberg's uncertainty principle for time and energy (rather than as we normally use in quantum physics, position and momentum). The 'endless fireworks of birth and annihilation' (which is a really nice description, by the way) is simply a manifestation of what spacetime is, with the quantum fields that are properties of spacetime.
these endless processes of birth and annihilation of all things (particles, for example) around the observer - are slow, not as fast as it seems to us when we look at it from the microcosm. It must be beautiful.
Yes, it would be truly profound to be able somehow to 'see' this happen. I have been lucky enough in the past to be given particle traces from CERN to analyse, and it is remarkable to see the evidence in front of your eyes, even if it is just a record of what has happened, rather than seeing it first-hand.
The disintegration of an atom into its constituents is infinite; a micromir can decrease infinitely (this is an assumption, a fantasy, a feeling).
I'm not sure I agree. As far as we know, of the protons, neutrons and electrons that sit within an atom, the electron is a fundamental indivisible particle (I am simplifying again, meaning particle as the manifestation of the relevant underlying quantum field). Protons and neutrons are composite particles, built of quarks (which are fundamental). The quarks are held together by the strong nuclear force, which is mediated by (virtual) gluons. As far as we know, there is no further division possible beyond this point - and indeed this fits with the laws of physics as described by the standard model.
And also - electrons which rotate around the nucleus, only 2 on one atomic orbit (Pauli's prohibition - no more than 2) and only with different spins. After all, it is the spins of the particles that we use in quantum systems. And here's the rule. And there's one more thing. In the theory known to me - orbits of one sublevel of the atom are always, at first, filled with electrons with the same spins (Hunda rule). But why is that?
As far as I'm aware, Hund's 'bus seat' rule works because the lowest energy state is the one that maximises spin. So it is just 'easiest' (or 'most efficient') for the subshell to be singly occupied before the electrons start pairing up (because doubly occupied +1/2 and -1/2 equates to net zero spin).
By the way, I couldn't find an answer to the question, maybe you know, the birth and annihilation of particles discussed here, observed in "empty" space in a vacuum, is possible in the points occupied by the atom? It is fundamental to know that it would be correct to develop the point of view proposed here.
When we talk about spontaneous birth and annihilation (as we have above), we are referring to the energy-time uncertainty inherent to the universe, as described by Heisenberg. We are talking about the uncertainty associated with an absolute minimum energy state, and the fact that this is non-zero. We must also consider that these quantum fluctuations manifest as virtual particles (i.e., they can't be detected directly), andd that they do so only for an extremely brief timespan. If we then consider the region of spacetime that is within an atom, then we are no longer talking about a minimum vacuum energy. However the uncertainty still remains, but it is uncertainty above that tiny non-zero limit. It gets difficult when we start considering virtual particles, when really all we are talking about is a field fluctuation.
looking with the eyes of a creature from the macrocosm, there is no space inside the atom or it is fundamentally different from what is outside the atom. The atom itself is empty, it is actually a huge volume of emptiness filled with small particles. Approximately if the nucleus of the atom is the size of a football ball, the electron is the size of a large apple, the distance to the nearest s-electrons of the level will be about 30 km. That's only to the closest ones. Well, isn't that an empty space? The question is, is it as empty as outside the atom or another? In other words, is it the same space, with the same properties as outside the atom or not?
No, it's not empty space. Or, it's only empty space if we consider electrons, quarks etc as actually being particles, as being little dots with a physical size. When in fact, we know that the 'particle' has a wave function, and what we think oif as a 'particle' is simply a classical outcome of the wavefunction resolving to a discrete point. But quantum field theory describes it more eloquently. Everything that we see, everything that exists, is the relationship between perturbations of all of the quantum fields that exist as a part of spacetime. So 'empty space' within an atom is not the same as 'empty space' outside, because we have the wavefunction, because we have the electroweak force, because we have the strong force mediated by virtual gluons, and because these forces are fluctuations of quantum fields at that local point within the atom. Additionally, when we say 'if the atom is the size of a football field, the electron is the size of a large apple', what we actually mean is I think that if the atom is a football field, then the minimum resolvable unit of space as determined by Planck is the size of an apple. We can't ever say that the electron has a 'size' as such.
And if we fantasize, is it possible to construct a model of quantum computer using other quantum characteristics of elementary particles?
To build a quantum Internet using anything other than the photon's back is possible if there are other quantum properties connected between particles. And are there such?
A qubit is just the fundamental unit of quantum information, so in theory any quantum property that resolves to two classical outcomes can be used as a qubit. Electron spin. Photon polarisation.
I will notice that the spin of an electron is a rotation.
Note that everything around, in the universe - necessarily spins.
And here's the question for the theory of relativity. The point which is on the surface of the rotating object has a higher linear speed relative to the center than the point which is near the axis of rotation. For these two points - time flows differently or not?
Before answering, take into account the fact that the rotating object has its linear speed relative to other objects. Which means that time is different from them. The time of a moving object flows slower relative to the one that is at rest. This is understandable. And what can be the definition of time for our 2 points, the same object that has its spin (rotation), for a point on the surface and points on the axis of rotation? What their time concerning moving past them object with the big linear speed?
I think the term 'spin' as applied to an electron is just a description of its state, and does not refer to an electron actually rotating. It is an expression of the electron's inherent angular momentum. Firstly, electrons have no size (as far as we know), secondly, they are not physical objects, but rather field fluctuations. I don't think we can say that an electron rotates. However I certainly agree that time flows differently from the perspective of an electron.
This is all complicated by the fact that we have no real way as of yet of linking quantum mechanics with relativity.