But just thinking about how if it is the bear market for the supercycle.
With bitcoin going up in price. To eventually own just 1 bitcoin. I've been buying periodically over time...
Would you mind sharing when you first started investing? I followed the same path as you, investing a small amount at a time according to the dollar-cost-average method.
I only started like late last year. I heard of bitcoin years prior but I didn't know it went up over time so I just thought "crypto currency" was internet money. Like, the dollar, it doens't really go up or down that much. (ik it kinda actually does but u get the point)
I feel so agro that I didn't get in way sooner. god... I feel like I'm buying the top. I'm just hoping in another few years it will go up and I'll not have thrown away my hard time/labor. I think it's going no where but up long term, but for how much higher idk. It turned into my "hedge against inflation" to a pipe dream of not being in poverty. That would be nice. not counting on that happening in my life time. I think my only goal is gonna be have a kid or two, and hope I did enough in saving/investing so that they wont have to grow up in poverty like I did.
You can invest in other tangible assets also not only in crypto like real estate or jewelry. You can also slowly buy small pieces of gold jewelry, and you know for sure they have value in the market. If I may advise, don't go all in in crypto. Because we don't know the future here, though we are seeing positive vibes but one advanced technology and this may go obsolete. Who knows? So if you can also spend some in tangible assets, that for me is better and will give you peace of mind that if something goes wrong here, you still have something to turn to.