If you feel lonely I suggest you to go out and find real friends, not those virtual or imagined.
Life is not only on computer but out there, just waiting for you
I think this is a pure advertisement mate and OP is just boosting that site,it’s plain and simple because there’s a lot of platform now that exist to have chatting why need to use new and not common to us
Anyway for OP if you’re truly bored?go out and feel other ambiance,sometimes going to park solo will help you admit the loneliness and to look for other alternatives that will bring you happiness
cool exchange
, when will it be launched? i don't see any trade, or will it appear if it's in login mode?
if you need to promote it, let me know.
Obviously you got it that advertising is what OP wants here 😂
i am on board ^^
when is launch date ?
In chats lol.even dinner and breakfast ..and I guess even coffe break at other stuff