std::string coin_hash_b64(const char *data, uint32 size)
char h_256[CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
CHash256().Write(data, size).Finalize(h_256);
std::string b64 = fly::base::base64_encode(h_256, CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE);
return b64;
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
std::string coin_hash_b64(const char *data, uint32 size)
char h_256[CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE];
CHash256().Write(data, size).Finalize(h_256);
std::string b64 = fly::base::base64_encode(h_256, CSHA256::OUTPUT_SIZE);
return b64;
# ** Functions/symbols **
# || Concatenate two strings
# HMAC(h, k, v) HMAC with hash function h and key k over value v
# PBKDF2(prf, p, s, c, dklen) PBKDF2 key derivation function
# substr(s, start, length) Substring from start (zero-based) of length bytes
# le32dec(), le32enc() 32-bit little-endian decoding/encoding
# SIMD_[un]shuffle() Salsa20 SIMD (un)shuffling of 32-bit words
# Integerify(B, r) Parse B_{2r-1} as a little-endian integer
# p2floor(x) Largest power of 2 not greater than x
# ** Inputs **
string password
string salt
integer t_cost
integer m_cost
integer outlen
# ** Algorithm **
N = 8 << m_cost
r = 8
# ** Settings hard-coded/assumed below in this pseudocode **
# p = 1
# g = 0
# flags = YESCRYPT_RW
# no ROM
# If m_cost is 16 MB per thread or more, pre-hash using 1/64th of m_cost first,
# to mitigate garbage collector attacks. yescrypt_prehash() is almost the same
# as this function, but its personalization HMAC key is "yescrypt-prehash"
# rather than "yescrypt", it skips builtin SCRAM finalization, and it will not
# invoke another yescrypt_prehash().
if (N / p >= 0x100 && N / p * r >= 0x20000)
password = yescrypt_prehash(password, salt, t_cost, m_cost / 64, 32)
password = HMAC(SHA-256, "yescrypt", password)
B = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA-256, password, salt, 1, 128 * r)
password = substr(B, 0, 32)
# SMix1 invoked to initialize pwxform S-boxes
X = SIMD_shuffle(le32dec(B))
for i = 0 to Sbytes/128 - 1
S[i] = X
X = BlockMix_{Salsa20/8, 1}(X)
# SMix1 invoked "for real"
for i = 0 to N - 1
V[i] = X
if (i > 1)
j = Wrap(Integerify(X, r), i)
X = X xor V[j]
X = BlockMix_pwxform{Salsa20/2, S, r}(X)
# SMix2
if (t_cost = 0)
Nloop = (N + 2) / 3
else if (t_cost = 1)
Nloop = (N * 2 + 2) / 3
Nloop = N * (t - 1)
for i = 0 to Nloop - 1
j = Integerify(X, r) mod N
X = X xor V[j]
V[j] = X
X = BlockMix_pwxform{Salsa20/2, S, r}(X)
B = le32enc(SIMD_unshuffle(X))
out = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA-256, password, B, 1, outlen)
# Builtin SCRAM (RFC 5802) support
clen = min(outlen, 32)
dk = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA-256, password, B, 1, 32)
dk = SHA-256(HMAC(SHA-256, dk, "Client Key"))
out = substr(dk, 0, clen) || substr(out, clen, outlen - clen)
return out
# ** Helper functions **
# Wrap x to the range 0 to i-1
Wrap(x, i)
n = p2floor(i)
return (x mod n) + (i - n)
# ** Functions/symbols **
# || Concatenate two strings
# HMAC(h, k, v) HMAC with hash function h and key k over value v
# PBKDF2(prf, p, s, c, dklen) PBKDF2 key derivation function
# substr(s, start, length) Substring from start (zero-based) of length bytes
# le32dec(), le32enc() 32-bit little-endian decoding/encoding
# SIMD_[un]shuffle() Salsa20 SIMD (un)shuffling of 32-bit words
# Integerify(B, r) Parse B_{2r-1} as a little-endian integer
# p2floor(x) Largest power of 2 not greater than x
# ** Inputs **
string password
string salt
integer t_cost
integer m_cost
integer outlen
# ** Algorithm **
N = 8 << m_cost
r = 8
# ** Settings hard-coded/assumed below in this pseudocode **
# p = 1
# g = 0
# flags = YESCRYPT_RW
# no ROM
# If m_cost is 16 MB per thread or more, pre-hash using 1/64th of m_cost first,
# to mitigate garbage collector attacks. yescrypt_prehash() is almost the same
# as this function, but its personalization HMAC key is "yescrypt-prehash"
# rather than "yescrypt", it skips builtin SCRAM finalization, and it will not
# invoke another yescrypt_prehash().
if (N / p >= 0x100 && N / p * r >= 0x20000)
password = yescrypt_prehash(password, salt, t_cost, m_cost / 64, 32)
password = HMAC(SHA-256, "yescrypt", password)
B = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA-256, password, salt, 1, 128 * r)
password = substr(B, 0, 32)
# SMix1 invoked to initialize pwxform S-boxes
X = SIMD_shuffle(le32dec(B))
for i = 0 to Sbytes/128 - 1
S[i] = X
X = BlockMix_{Salsa20/8, 1}(X)
# SMix1 invoked "for real"
for i = 0 to N - 1
V[i] = X
if (i > 1)
j = Wrap(Integerify(X, r), i)
X = X xor V[j]
X = BlockMix_pwxform{Salsa20/2, S, r}(X)
# SMix2
if (t_cost = 0)
Nloop = (N + 2) / 3
else if (t_cost = 1)
Nloop = (N * 2 + 2) / 3
Nloop = N * (t - 1)
for i = 0 to Nloop - 1
j = Integerify(X, r) mod N
X = X xor V[j]
V[j] = X
X = BlockMix_pwxform{Salsa20/2, S, r}(X)
B = le32enc(SIMD_unshuffle(X))
out = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA-256, password, B, 1, outlen)
# Builtin SCRAM (RFC 5802) support
clen = min(outlen, 32)
dk = PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA-256, password, B, 1, 32)
dk = SHA-256(HMAC(SHA-256, dk, "Client Key"))
out = substr(dk, 0, clen) || substr(out, clen, outlen - clen)
return out
# ** Helper functions **
# Wrap x to the range 0 to i-1
Wrap(x, i)
n = p2floor(i)
return (x mod n) + (i - n)
while(hash_value > target)
nonce = new_nonce()
hash_value = sha256d(utc + version + pre_block_hash + nonce + miner_pubkey + merkle_root + something else)
while(hash_value > target)
nonce = new_nonce()
memory_access_result = access_memory_process(utc + version + pre_block_hash + nonce + miner_pubkey + merkle_root + something else)
hash_value = sha256d(utc + version + pre_block_hash + nonce + miner_pubkey + merkle_root + memory_access_result + something else)
bool Blockchain::hash_pow(char hash_arr[32], uint32 zero_bits)
uint32 zero_char_num = zero_bits / 8;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < zero_char_num; ++i)
if(hash_arr[i] != 0)
return false;
uint32 zero_remain_bit = zero_bits % 8;
if(zero_remain_bit == 0)
return true;
return hash_arr[zero_char_num] < 1 << 8 - zero_remain_bit;
bool Blockchain::verify_hash(std::string block_hash, std::string block_data, uint32 zero_bits)
char hash_raw[32];
uint32 len = fly::base::base64_decode(block_hash.c_str(), block_hash.length(), hash_raw, 32);
if(len != 32)
return false;
uint32 buf[16] = {0};
char *p = (char*)buf;
coin_hash(block_data.c_str(), block_data.length(), p);
block_data += "another_32_bytes";
coin_hash(block_data.c_str(), block_data.length(), p + 32);
uint32 arr_16[16] = {0};
for(uint32 i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
arr_16[i] = ntohl(buf[i]);
for(uint32 i = 0; i < ASIC_RESISTANT_DATA_NUM;)
for(int j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
arr_16[j] = (arr_16[j] + __asic_resistant_data__[i + j]) * (arr_16[j] ^ __asic_resistant_data__[i + j]);
i += 16;
for(uint32 i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
buf[i] = htonl(arr_16[i]);
std::string hash_data = block_data + fly::base::base64_encode(p, 64);
std::string block_hash_verify = coin_hash_b64(hash_data.c_str(), hash_data.length());
if(block_hash != block_hash_verify)
return false;
return hash_pow(hash_raw, zero_bits);
const uint32 ASIC_RESISTANT_DATA_NUM = 5 * 1024 * 1024;