After reading your post (I've also been to your site, but found it confusing and 90s-style in its look), I still don't get what you're using the money for. All you keep saying is if people pay, they will get dividends. Dividends from where? NOTHING is risk-free. You give your money to a federally-insured bank, and you're still taking a risk.
for once someone is right:"90s-style in its look"
of course ...nothing is risk free 100%
so long you live you risk to die.
Dividends from where?
Have you already run a website?
You open a page...a white page.
This page makes potentialy little cash...
ok not much...I would say 1 satoshi or so in a year?
But not zero.
Ok...1 satoshi income or so but certainly could I say?...outcome.(hosting,advertising perhaps(for a white page (lol) electricity...etc...)
if you put a link on this page...the link is worth something...etc...etc...
My site(I call the start-up) is worth something.
it is worth something because it makes real direct cash and real indirect cash hard to estimate.
From this cash I pay dividends.
I am clear?
I repeat it repeat it repeat ti:
The cash you send me is not invested.
It is just used to calculate your prorata invested.
unless you have a legit plan for the money and not just asking for investors one after another to pay the previous one, nobody would trust you.
After you have to trust.
Aniwhere you invest you have to trust.
If you do not trust DO NOT invest.
But it is not only a question of trust.
if you estimate that the profit is too low,then do not invest.
I have never said:
Invest it is interesting for you.
I have ever said:
Invest if you believe that it is interesting for you.
or invest if you have sleeping bitcoin and if the btc transfer fees are not higher than the dividends.
This. I personally require a business plan, unless it's a fairly small investment and I feel like the potential upside is worth the risk of complete loss. In any real investment, though, I'd require a full business plan ahead of time to vet out.
It's a startup and the business plan is more a general plan who in fact does not very matter.
Any way fex or many dividends,the market will regulate it.
if we have x dividends the market will invest y or so.
if we have 10x dividends the market will invest 10y or so.
Be patient.
We have all we need.
dividends and investments
we can see that the dividends are increasing...
we can see that the investment are decreasing...and the ROI increasing
The "market" will soon or late invest because the market invest always if it is worth.
Then certainly the ROI will decrease...etc...and all will be "market regulated".
I understand you perfectly:
You are so used to see high promises and so often scammed that in your mind it is impossible that a person (the person is me)(lol) programmes for the fun a system where people can invest and ean few satoshi for the fun.
Let pass till 2 or 3 weeks...
and you will understand better the system where individually you will certainly not earn much,but where satoshi will be earnt.
I repeat it:
let's suppose that only one peason trust and he or she invest just 0.001BTC then the person will take all the dividends alone.
Do you believe that on the wide web world (lol) one will not find an second investor?...or more if it is interesting?
My purpose is not that you invest in my system systematicly (lol) but that you analyse the situation and then invest ot not.
your problem (not mine) is that you cannot know what people will do after you...
that is the part of game in this system.
but it is the same in real do not know what people will do...if you buy a share and other share holders sell you will lose.
Here it is almost the same...but with the difference that with my system it is not lose or gain,it is little gain or bigger gain.
My system is what it is,and it is not a system to please at everyone.
It's just a system.(lol)