the blockchain is immutable already, such that even the developer cannot alter anything from it, that's why every data is widely distributed across many computer systems connected to the network and same information is displayed all over, no one can manipulate,
no individual can just change the network(especially those outside of the core dev team). correct..
as those individuals just end up throwing themselves off the network or stalling out their nodes by just producing rejected blocks thus not building on new blocks from peers
because everyone relies on the core code. if core make a code change, that snowball effect rolls down to everyone meaning core can make changes (and they do)
it has got to a point that only core can decide what should be changed even if the community ask for something else. core have banished lots of people in the community that do not want to follow cores "roadmap".
there have been many manipulative tactics to ensure the core roadmap gets implemented even at the sacrifice of many users.
core have been careful at times to not completely break bitcoin when they add their changes EG not 100% pushing to disable legacy tx formats in favour of 100% segwit. thus allowing people a bit of freedom to remain able to use bitcoin without having to be forced into using segwit. but it only takes one bad decision by core that can ruin the network.
which is why we actually need to be aware of who does and can change the rules. and not treat them as gods that can do as they please, but instead call them out when they do certain things against the community. to atleast keep them from taking things a step too far
EG let the dogs walk in the park, but keep them on a leash..
we should not use emotion of TRUST that they will be honourable. we should use critical thinking and logic and actually be caring more about protecting the protocol, rather then defending the dev like idols
better yet, get back to the practice of decentralisation, rather than just distrubtion
where by multiple brands work at the same level. they have their own gateway for proposals and they share proposals with each other so all brans release a implementation candidate offering the same future feature. and where if the majority of users, no matter the brand choose the implementation of a certain feature. then it activates and all software brands are ready to validate the new change (instead of the current situation of follow the leader)
devs come and go and devs have their own motives. we should not just give them a free pass to do as they please with fake rhetoric that "bitcoin cannot change and no one can change it) you need to be aware that bitcoin is not AI, there are devs that write code and its those devs we have to be mindful of
bitcoin does not write itself