even though <<< whoever you think is to blame >>> almost totally fucked up and killed bitcoin, it seems like we'll be able to move forward. Great days are ahead. Main stream hasn't even gotten on board yet. I'm thinking Bitcoin will be $100k within 10 years.
Hope you are right about it,
But for me $100k in the next 10 years seems so unrealistic/
its less than 2 orders of magnitude. How many people on the street out of 100 do you think know about bitcoin, let alone have any
the correct question is "how many people on the street do you think
want to invest in bitcoin"
otherwise many have heard about it, even many have gone and did some research about it but not that many were willing to invest. many are scared of it being unregulated, many scared of it being in a bubble, many fall for the FUD that always exist,....
and that is why the adoption have always been slow.
Mass population will only want to invest in Bitcoins if media and influent people start promoting it (or governments). Biggest part of population are like sheeps leaded by someone who has control over them. It works like this in almost all camps: music, movies, fashion... Just sometimes the establishment loses control over the flock.
i disagree.
the examples you gave are "spending their money" on music, movies, fashion,... and yeah for that they are sheep.
but when it comes to investing their money i have seen people be more careful, although still reckless in some cases. but in total they are mostly scared and not willing to invest when they see the high volatility combined with all the FUD repeating bitcoin is dead, gonna drop, etc.
Not only "spending their money", but a liking question. There are "reputable" agencies, organizations, celebrities saying what is good and what is bad (like Oscar prize says what movies are good, television or radios playing certain musics all day long to spread what musics are good, celebrities advertising products...).
Bitcoin seems risky at first look, but the volatility is only helping as since much time ago the price is constantly increasing and not the opposite.
I don't know from where you are, but if a icon of your country media starts advertising BTC on the televison or even internet I'm sure many people will follow his/her lead.