Hey Wapinter,
Your request is "really easy" to realize.
It's a simple asset cc to create.
Try to associate with techies interested in your idea
You don't even have to create a coin, with blockchain and all. You can just create an asset, there are already platforms for it, one that comes into my mind is WAVES.
I guess that you'll want to hold some sort of ICO to get funds for your project. The real problem is to get people to invest in this and find a way to convince them that after you've sold those virtual items you will not run away with the money / leave the investors. I don't know of a way to link these assets to .. the physical world, let's say.
Yes you are right we need to get investors trust
First of all, it is a good idea, you have to be given credits for that. But think about the outcomes also, I have heard that Monsoon is not regular in India and media people have hyped up the "Farmer's suicide" factors. Think about it.
With growing better irrigation facilities and planned river link project,dependency on monsoon will be less in near future
I want to invest in agriculture but do not have required funds.Is it possible to create a crypto coin related to agriculture and every coin holder own a percentage of agricultural land according to his/her coin holding?
Your idea is good and just like what others suggested you don't have to create a new alt coin. But wait, you want to invest but you don't have required funds?
Why not try to work first and start to claim the required amount before asking ideas of other people. Ideas are just there when you are ready to invest your money on it.
If I had both idea and money,why would I need other to join me?
I think I know a thing or two since I had studied about Indian Agricultural System back in the school.
1.You would not be able to acquire agricultural land,no matter what.Like how are you planning to convince all the farmers ? Do they even know what internet is ?
Acquire??I will buy land at market price.There are so many farmers who sell their land for one or other reason.I need not to tell them what I am buying it for .
2.You want to create a coin so you can have enough funds to invest in a land,what about the investors ?What do the get ? Token of they holding a square foot of agricultural land in India ? No bro that's not how it works.
They will also get the profit of yield from that land.Profit will be distributed according to their holding
So if I invest $10 I'm going to own an area of land value $10 of what, why tied the tokens to the land and not profit from the farming activities
they will also get profit from agricultural produce
First of all, it is a good idea, you have to be given credits for that. But think about the outcomes also, I have heard that Monsoon is not regular in India and media people have hyped up the "Farmer's suicide" factors. Think about it.
He cans simply make an asset using the WAVES like suggested by NeuroticFish and then he can simply get the value of his assets up and down.
Like people who want long term investment would of course love to take the advantage in particular seasons when the price is low. While some would seek profit and sell. Quite a unique and surprising idea, would be a investor for sure in case this gets started properly.
Thanks a lot
Is it possible to create a crypto coin related to agriculture and every coin holder own a percentage of agricultural land according to his/her coin holding?
The answer is yes. That is possible to create agriculture related crypto. Actually i saw a crypto which is WORM that actually a worm related crypto.
http://healthyworm.com/Agriculture crypto is good. But you said that you dont want to spend any penny to create an altcoin is vry impossible. You need to use money here. From the development of the alt. To the advertisements of your alt. You need to spend money for it.
I never said I will not put money.
Major question you may have to face soon after creating any tokens/coins for your investment schemes is how investors can be sure that what they are getting as profit is not less than the real profit you are making. Because what you are trying to invest in is completely offline business so there will be no way for other investors living in another part of world to investigate about legitimacy of your business.
This idea may be sensed as ponzi scheme like HYIP by many.
I will make it totally transparent and I have idea for that too but I can not share it right now.
No man I don't think it is actually a good idea because currently there are many coins out there and they are failing badly. Plus you do know that 80% of the farmers don't even have a phone , they haven't even heard of google so how do you expect them to know something like an coin.
Our investors need not to be farmers.They cab come from any profession.We will however employ skilled labours for farming which are easily available in India