This is hypothetical, imagine I am the guy who runs erowid.
Am I mistaken, or has nobody answered the implied hypothetical question?
If bitcoinbitcoin113 is speaking hypothetically as the guy who owns/operates, then the following will address your questions and concerns. There are no other strings attached besides embedding and keeping the Bitcoin donation option on your website. You are free to do with the funds as you wish, just as you would with all your other donations. You can easily convert the bitcoins to fiat of which we would provide you all the assistance needed to do such. A better option does exist, one we hope you would take full advantage of. Surely, there are things you purchase every day, paid for with donated funds, albeit via your bank account. You can go now go shopping at a myriad of online stores and purchase some of those items you currently need around the office. If it's coffee products, I suggest Updating your computers, I suggest (I can easily make a longer list here, but opt to stop, for this is only a hypothetical situation, one of which I'm trying to drive a point home) I hope this reply answers your immediate questions and concerns. Feel free to bug us anytime at Bitcoin 100, for without you, there wouldn't be an us.
This is the type of reply I would give if asked that question in RL, albeit a tad more professional. (sorry for not editing grammar or spelling)