Better to lock this thread to prevent any false depositing to try this scam site, (all depositing cannot be withdrawn)
For any members, it would be good if you not say congratulation again to this scammer. It's make you look like spammer.
1) First, they can give fake proof for 13.3 BTC tx id. While we even cannot do withdrawal
Wow!!!! What a success story. How much was your bankroll and what site did you gamble on?
Remember to keep your earnings!
Yeah i am so excited right now! I started wih 0.9 BTC and went down to 0.7. After that only up!
I was playing at Bitcoin Beveren (
Would you mind posting a Txid of your payout? I have never heard of that site before which would be weird since they are claiming over 9000 active members and I have heard of most bitcoin websites, but not this one.
They did the exact same thing a few months ago:
Also if you google "Bitcoin Beveren" you'll see their site doesn't come up, claiming 9000 members ...
an obvious shill site hires lots of shill accounts.