I shit you not, I went from .1 bitcoin to over 100 bitcoins. I swear on my life, and now I don't know what to do. I have a very series gambling problem and I was negative 10 bitcoins before I won 100 last night and I am terrified to death I lose my new found bitcoins. All I can think about and all I crave is to gamble again but there is no doubt in my mind that I will lose it all on that site if I go back. I need help, I don't know what to do. All I think and dream about is going back on that site and it's killing me.
donate some to me and you're gonna change my life forever
BTC add: 1ATwdRriKdCj4KYB3rG735Asz6zJdccLFs
If I were you, i'll invest some in Bitconnect and buy a decent house, invest some in stocks. that will do and think about the things you want to do when you were just a kid.
That will give you some of the things you might want to such as learn new things or visit a place there are so many things to do better than gambling dear